Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Let me snip my eyebrows I’m tired of looking like a bug with antennae when wearing helmets.

Can I have the extras you don’t need?

Sure I’ll give you the left overs after I use some of it to make a beard!

I’ll trade you one of my neckbeard options for one of your eyebrows.

Ooo It’s a deal! I can use the other eyebrow to finish it off. :handshake:

Hordies are doin’ it for themselves.

Pretty much this. Not saying Lann is purposely trying to instigate mob mentality, but the manner in which they all show up at the same time to troll is highly suspect.

You can see it earlier today, but I’m not going to lower myself and dignify them with a response.

I just find it maudlin and counterproductive. Sorry if I’m not empathetic.

Because time and energy is being wasted on going after other groups rather than focusing on expanding Blood Elf aesthetic.

We saw this scenario play out once where Void Elves got a whole new line of skin tones and Blood Elves only got eye color and jewelry, as the focus was on trying to be a High Elf. I wouldn’t be surprised if a similar scenario played out a second time.

I support Void options and I believe the two can happen in tandem, so again, sorry but I don’t see eye to eye with you on this.

Nor will we or should we, despite being told to shut up and that it’s been decided we’re not entitled to ask for more by those who wish they had the authority to.

Aside from something akin to Alleria’s skin tone in Void form how many unique blues and purples do you expect they could make? They have at least 2 sets of 2 skins that look nearly identical, much like their hair colors. More diversity is a good thing.

They could also always just copy and paste Blood Elf hair colors and styles as well to fulfill the need for natural tones and reserve the resources for new assets for more Void options.

At this point I couldn’t care less about anyone’s reservations and I say go ahead and do it.

Given the disparity among the core races I feel they’ll add more eventually, and that for Blood Elves they should lean towards Fel, Undead and Sunwell themed options, none of which Void Elves could ever touch.

Then people should be focusing on more unique aspects than blonde hair and blue eyes to try to set the two races apart.

But I haven’t heard a peep out of anyone claiming to care about Blood Elves in support any actual new assets for them in months. This makes the claim that they actually care about Blood Elf assets questionable.

Anyway, I’m not going to be editing my requests out of fear for stepping on anyone’s toes any longer, as I’m no longer being afforded the same courtesy, so happy Hunger Games.


The fact you think Lanny is some kind of anti ringleader is actually hilarious.


I never said he was, I literally just stated that.

Maybe actually try reading before you make a stupid comment.


Okay, you’re at like an 8, I need you at like a 3.


And you need to take a seat.

I’m at my computer, I already have one. But you’re still at an 8, so… if you could work on that I’d really appreciate it.


Seriously, your attempt at putting words in my mouth is completely childish. Children should be seen, not heard.

It’s a good thing this is a text based forum and not a voice call then, isn’t it?

If you want to say “I’m not saying X is Y, BUT” and then say X is Y, pretending you didn’t say it is kind of disingenuous onii-fam.

You’re being a little too spicy for me, so I’m gonna bow out. I don’t come to the forums to be spoken to this nastily.



I find your constantly calling everyone who disagrees with you trolling, tiring.

Your inability to find empathy is not my, or anyone else, problem.

You want a thing, they don’t want a thing. Both have equal value.

The majority of people I see posting on this matter have many times and even in this same thread posted what they want to see with Blood Elves, or Void Elves.

You assume much honestly. Blizz didn’t give most races much at all. I don’t think they ever actually expected to give us much more than this, but its been insanely more popular than their out of touch dev team thought it would be.

Void Elves could have work put into both, or they could have work put into one. Its still work.

If its split then that means less of the Void Theme overall and less of the High Elf one. If they focus on Void Elves as actually voidy we may actually get some really good customization.

So no I do not think doing both is the best option.

I have never told you to shut up about what you’re requesting. I’ve stated my opinions and what I want to see.

Most folk have in fact.

As far as seeing you or others as entitled. Well thats just when people demand it as though they are entitled to it. Helf Pros commonly seem to have that mentality.

Oh I imagine they could fit plenty more in there actually. The ones we do have are only barely shifted from one another.

Plus I’m also interested in more Ethereal looking options, that could come in skintone format. Though I’d rather they be more additions over skintones.

I think Avarie posted a nice mockup of the ethereal wrappings idea in one of these threads. Ah it was this one…


I have a small list of hair options I’d like to see. Stark White and Void Black being top of the list. Something likely helf pros would enjoy as well.

Also includes two tone hair colors that fade from a void colored hair option to a more bright coloration. My favorite was the dark blue fading into a very bright red orange.

So I agree. More diversity is great. I just want it to be Void focused.

This will still take time and work… This doesn’t just happen…

Cool. Be respectful about it to others who may not share you opinion and you will find you end up in less caustic combative fights.

Fine options. Though I don’t much follow the undead one these days… I’ll still like it well enough but a forsaken toggle for the Dark ranger thing seems much more appealing now.

I’m also interested in a Light theme there and more options for the Farstrider look. Though that might be included in your Sunwell theme concept…

No it doesn’t.

They feel like Blizzard isn’t listening to them. They had been pushing for all sorts of things and have gotten nothing for it.

Not only that several of them have posted in this thread and at least one of the other threads that have been active of late their whole list of customization they want to see.

Oh, I wasn’t aware you ever edited your view at all… seems about the same as it has always been.

Which is fine by me. Keep with what you want I’ll keep with what I want.

It is a public forum after all.



I want Blood Elves to keep what little distinction they have left.

I want Void Elves to get their own customizations either totally unique or from other Alliance races.

No amount of faux high ground posturing will silence me.


Oh, you mean those who make personal attacks every single time they interact with me? No, I’d call it trolling and disrespectful AF. There are plenty of people I can respectfully disagree mutually. The problem most certainly isn’t mine.

Don’t presume to talk down to me while overlooking the stupidity I’m up against.

Which is also not my problem, so I’m no longer going to acknowledge them.

It’s been quite a while as far as Blood Elves go.

Ah, okay so the devs are out of touch because they didn’t do things as you wished. Even by this reasoning it stands to reason that they would again do the same thing considering their success the first time.

Which would be the fair thing to do.

This would not be the fair thing to do. I want to see both groups get something out of this, you don’t.

No, we’ve actually been told, that skin tones were Blizzzard’s(not) compromise and that we indeed should not ask for more and that it’s a done deal. People have lied through their teeth about this.

I defend the right to ask, which people are trying to silence completely rather than mere opposition.

And I’m not not interested, they’re Void Elves, not Ethereals. Ethereals are composed of energy, Void Elves are not.

Old God aesthetics such as tentacles and eyes feel more appropriate for me. Such as Azshara’s third eye for example.

Aside from a Void tinged silver I have no interest in this myself. I’d rather lighter lavenders and powder blues as opposed to black or any dark colors, which is something I feel Void Elves have a lot of already.

I do know that I’m probably in the minority in regards to said colors, but I find it incredibly basic and they should be default colors for all races.

How does orange fit into the Void Elf aesthetic? It infringes on Blood Elves by your standards, not to mention it sounds unappealing imo.

To your preferences for Void stuff perhaps, I don’t share said preferences though.

Fine with me, honestly.

I’ve given far more regard for opposing opinions than what was due and got virtually none in return. I’m just not going to acknowledge them at all and continue requesting what I’d like to see, going forward.

For Dark Rangers, they could go to either race, but if San’layn were represented as customization options, they should go to Blood Elves as their culture is a dark reflection of Sin’dorei culture specifically whereas Dark Rangers were a part of the Forsaken’s inception as a group.

It’s somewhat a Light theme, but their magical aspects as a race are important as well and said theme should draw on Solar and Phoenix themes rather than the Light itself. Their fire motif.

Farstrider stuff would of course be applicable to both races, so this isn’t really something that reinforces distinction between either race, nor should they only be available to just one.

They drop their token post every so often maybe, but the majority of their time is spent opposing other people. If they want to be taken more seriously, maybe they should reallocate their time? :woman_shrugging:

I’ve tried to be sensitive to approaches I don’t agree with on this subject to those who were interested in actual discourse on the subject, but both reciprocation of said sensitivities and interest in actual discourse have largely faded, so I see no reason not to follow suit.

For sure.

Seriously though, his poor attempt at putting words in my mouth in a disingenuous matter was indeed childish and the reason I don’t engage these people.



What an adorable kitty.