Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Oh I’m not, just amusing how it cycles around. My favorite was when I was getting attacked for derailing threads when they were going off the tracks nasty by starting up some food/cooking talk


I liked those talks!


Both of these opinions are a tough cookie to sell considering that they boil down to the following arguments:

A. Void elves will receive ‘High elf themed’ customization at the cost of ‘Void themed’ customization.
B. Blood Elves will lose their aesthetic within the Horde.

Both of these are unfounded and thus indefensible positions based on any and all developer interviews up to date.

For what it’s worth I agree with you. Blizzard representatives have gone out of their way to make sure they do not make any promises on the matter.


If you think there is no cost involved with creating, copying, and applying assets, then I don’t know what to tell you.

You’re wrong I guess.

They’ll lose their aesthetic uniqueness with an exact duplicate on the Alliance side. Yes.

Seems a lot of people are worried about it and sharing their views on it.

And I havent seen much to suggest the devs are actually ok with the idea of copying everything over either.

Heck they haven’t added hair colors yet either.


Even if it’s different textures, like from Kul Tirans, rather than an exact copy of Blood Elves, it still makes Void Elves more similar to Blood Elves. This is objective fact.

I say this as someone who leans in favour of Void Elves gaining said options.

It’s one thing to want non-Voidy hair, but to say it won’t affect Blood Elves is just wrong.



I do understand why people want it but ignoring this aspect is wrong.


I do not agree with the idea, but I want you to know I don’t think less of you for leaning in favor of it, it just is what it is. You do a good job of encompassing the opinions of people not in favor of it.

For me I can be happy for the HE community to have what is currently been done, but (and this is not to say you) my support isn’t blind support either so I did have a shift in continued support, and I feel like that is okay despite what others have tried to paint otherwise.


There’s a cost involved in literally anything.

The fact of the matter is that neither you nor I know if Blizzard adding X happens at the expense of Y.

Loss of uniqueness is not a loss of theme.

I’ll concede that we could argue about the substantiality of uniqueness for quite a while.

People are in their right to worry and share their concerns. They should, however also keep in mind that many of those concerns are unfounded and based on a couple of premature assumptions.

I agree!


It won’t affect what Blood Elves have.

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That wasn’t what I meant.

It affects the uniqueness of Blood Elves. I don’t care about that, but there are players who do. It’s wrong to invalidate their feelings.

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I’ll grant you we do not know the express cost and IF it actually contributed to a lack of something for one or the other.

Still given the option to have both at a lesser result for either, or focus on one and actually have something of impact and merit? I’ll always support the second option.

I do not want to have another Belf setup… Jewelry. Pah!

To some it is very important. To others less so.

Ignoring that though I think is being disrespectful to their views and concerns.

I also agree we could argue this point probably for some time without greatly changing each others minds.

I respect your view though, I hope I haven’t given you the wrong impression.

I think ultimately you and I are on the same page with this actually. Just not saying/viewing it the same way.

I like Somand’s answer for this so I’ll just quote them rather than putting it in my own words.


Call me a simpleton and you would be right but…

If someone gives me something one time, and they see I’m happy with what this something is, but suddenly, that someone comes back years later, grabs what they’ve given me, splits it in half and tries to hide the cracks of the split with a ribbon and hands it to someone else…

Yeah, that’s kind of like doing something at the expense of someone else.

Dunno, just visualizing it in simple terms here.

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Your story put the funniest image in my head.

Thanks for that.

Pah, you say!


I’m a very… uh… visual person.

Not gonna lie, I would like Dali style moustaches now…


I want that mustache. For reasons…


This is what i am asking for.

A Dali mustache is its own reason

Also, apparently, more powerful than death


Plus we could rob a bank.

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No, its really not what you’re asking for.

I need this mustache.

The way you people spell moustache upsets me

