Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

From the Anti bag full of bias :wink:

Lancelot. GTFO!

You’ll DC the forums~~~~

So I walk into this thread, and it’s just:


Trust me, I got this. You guys won’t die as long as I’m arou—

Lancelot has gone offline


This is funny coming from you. Your posts are extremely biased.

And before you accuse me of being an anti for saying this, if anything I lean in support of Nico’s suggestions.


Yeah, lies!

I disagree, it’s much more like



Actually I didn’t know the full context. I had to scroll up a bit after the fact, before I could follow all of the convo that led to post I responded to. For that I’ll take full responsibility in that I should have gotten the full context before replying.


This is my new favorite gif.


I like this. I need more family guy in my life…


If I didn’t have the actual quote in the post you replied to I’d give the benefit of the doubt. So idk what you’re talking about when you say “you had to scroll for context” the entire post was quoted not only was the post right above so very limited scrolling at that but the entire post was broken down and quoted in my post that you replied to but what ever.

You are fine with anyone who lets wishful thinking speak for Blizzard.

But my stance was belittled and lectured.

I thought I was the only one who read it that way… I saw them saying that they knew High Elfs were wanted on both sides. They Might, might being the key word, revisit it again in the future. But for now they were giving both sides a few High elf options. Horde got the eye color for belfs. alliance got eye color and skin tones for Velfs. Nowhere did I read We 100% are for sure going to give you everything you want so you can play a High Elf.


In any case, I think ALL of us should temper our expectations.

Those expecting to get blonde hair on Void Elves could find themselves very very disappointed when the allied race pass happens.

And those expecting Void Elves not to get some sort of blonde option have the same chance of being just as disappointed if the dice fall the other way.

What I do know from the small measure of personal experience I have in game development, is that if there’s a shortcut that can be taken to add something to your game that players want, and this shortcut costs you very little in the way of time and resources to implement, versus making brand new assets from scratch, that’s the path that developers are most incentivized to take. They need compelling reasons not to go down that path.

And while I may be wrong, I’m not sure that simple ire from a relatively small number of players, is compelling enough to prevent that. It’s why I offer the Kul Tiran assets as an alternative. It reuses existing assets but avoids copy/pasting from Blood Elves. It’s an alternative that let’s the devs avoid making stuff from scratch which they are highly incentivized to avoid if they can.


We could see Farstrider tattoos for both happening for example and that could very well be what gets added in the future. With not a thought for hair at all.

There is so many possibilities or lack there of from that statement to take it and twist it with wishful thinking into a promise of more HE stuff for VEs is so tiresomely disingenuous.


This is the way I read it as well. Am I hopeful for some traditional hair colors? Yes. Am I expecting them? No.

As far as hairstyles go, I don’t have any clue as to what Blizz will do. Part of me believes they will be very reluctant to copy/paste hairstyles between Blood Elves and Void Elves without at least modifying them in some way (not unlike how some current Void Elves hairstyles are modified versions of Blood Elf hairstyles).

As far as hair colors go, I’m again unsure what Blizzard might do. I want to believe they won’t just copy/paste all the Blood Elf hair colors, but I also want to believe that they may be willing to offer different shades of traditional hair colors to Void Elves for the sake of diversity if nothing else. It’s really hard to tell where Blizzard stands here.

They used to be fairly adamant about preserving distinction between the factions. Void Elves, and to a lesser extent Nightborne, threw a wrench into that, and the skins added to Void Elves threw another.

I think that when the allied race pass happens, Nightborne may provide us a clue as to what to expect for Void Elves (I’m assuming Nightborne will get their pass before other allied races). If we see Nightborne get their model reworked, and see skin/hairstyles/hair colors from Night Elves shared with Nightborne with minor alterations, then we could probably expect the same to happen with Void Elves.

On the other hand, if Nightborne get an entirely unique array of assets, then we’ll be left without any clue what to expect for Void Elves. In all other cases, I expect allied races to simply inherit options (perhaps with some minor alterations) from their parent races where possible.


Neither do I, but I would like to see more original hairstyles added to many of the races, especially ones with braids.

Brand new styles would be welcome, and I’d like to think we’ll see at least a couple for each allied race, but experience tells me that that there’s a more than fair chance that most of what allied races get will come from their parent races (even if altered in some way).

I’m just hoping that Blizzard decides that they could share things from other races too, and not just the parent race. Like the Void Elf mockup I made with one of the new Human hairstyles:


While I agree with prerogative, I do disagree with the actual stance as it is a disservice to everyone involved including those making the argument in any good faith.

I say this because I view this as people giving up on Blood Elves, taking it out on other people and shooting themselves in the foot by trying to dumb down not one, but two races.

And natural options can be added in tandem with more Void options.

As far as gatekeeping others from options to force them into a box goes, I oppose this on a fundamental and will always support player agency, regardless of who is asking for what.

Except that furthering Blood Elf or Void Elf identity wasn’t the topic under discussion in the interview, the High Elf aesthetic was specifically the topic of discussion.

As I stated in first part of my response, the High Elf aesthetic was explicitly under discussion, so to try to draw any reference for Void options from would be both wishful thinking with a blatantly incorrect interpretation, which could also be considered disingenuous.

While I by no means push the interview as confirmation of more High Elf options, it does reinforce the prerogative to ask for more as well as actually refutes the notion that said ‘compromise’(natural skin but no hair) is a done deal and directly conflicts with Blizzard’s stance on this, being that these are a few RP tools for now and that they are open to add more down the line.


And you think someone is not capable of mentioning two things at the same time?

They do not in any way shape of form mention more HE things coming it’s very disingenuous of you to assume they wouldn’t throw a bone to VE and BE fans with a “don’t worry this isn’t all we’re doing!” Which is basically the line you cling to at the end of them talking about the HE options.

You’re inferring as much as I am and it seems to bother you that you very well could be wrong.