Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I have to admit that gave me a chuckle. :slight_smile:


Only, if like you, they ignore the whys.

People don’t want them because they go against the things they want.

Unique options
a hope for stronger race based stories
options that are exclusive to one side
and so on.

People have things that they want out of this game that your requests tread over, so they oppose that request in order to let the devs know that they value other priorities.



I’ll say it again.

When you spend time asking for options you don’t want added to another race, you aren’t spending time asking for options you do want added to your race.

The key word there is “options”. It provides the context for what I am talking about. Yes, when you say you don’t want Void Elves to have blonde hair you are telling the devs what you want. But you aren’t telling them the options you want for Blood Elves now are you?


So? Only I get to decide my priorities. If what I want is the absense of something that is my call. If you want something else that’s up to you.


More often than not those contending the natural hair colors do tell you what options they want instead.

And where they want the focus to be.

For instance I often contend blonde hair with Stark white and Void Black instead as they actually fit the void elves.

Let me say it again.

This is a REALLY obnoxious line of argument that you are making. You are declaring your wants to be superior to others because they emphasize putting more things into the game where as the requests of other people do not, so you treat them as if they are hurtful to others.

And besides, you’re not actually asking for anything to be really added are you? You’re asking for stuff to be copied and shuffled around to give you what you want.


My dude, I know you’re better than this.

When speaking of the assets of a 3d model, specially when it’s something so small as the texture a model uses for their hair, the only way to actually tell them apart is for someone to port the model to a 3d modelling program and unfold the texture to compare it and even then, it might not be entirely possible to tell them apart unless you look very closely.

Speaking of “assest” it’s a tad disingenuous because of this. For the regular eye, those examples you showed look like blood elves with a VE hairstyle. That’s the problem.

Not only it infringes on BEs, it makes VE look less like what they’re supposed to be and right now, what VEs need is to define their own identity, there’s already plenty of options for someone to call their character a HE is they so wish, there’s no need to wash their identity further.

You’re absolutely right. Only you get to decide your priorities.

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If the main goal is to preserve the theme of generic elves on Blood Elves, then asking for that theme to not be recreated on Void Elves is the best use of time. No additions to Blood Elves would stop this.

The premise that “saying no is a waste of time” is flawed.

It’d be like asking someone what they want for lunch, then telling them they didn’t answer you if they said they weren’t hungry.


Read that post again. Those were Blood Elves with Void Elf hairstyles. The person I was replying to was speaking about giving Void Elf hairstyles to Blood Elves.

I said that wasn’t my ideal outcome, but that i didn’t object to it. And I linked a picture of Blood Elves using the Void Elf hairstyles.

That’s not what I was asking for though. What I am asking for is that, IF Blizzard intends to give Void Elves more High Elf aesthetic options, that they NOT be copy/pastes of Blood Elf assets, but rather assets shared from Kul Tirans instead.


The theme of “generic elf” has already been shared. We’re past that point now. I mean look at my character. I am a generic elf now :man_shrugging:


That’s not actually a very accurate mirroring of his argument. It’s more akin to asking someone what type of foods they like to eat, and telling them their answer was unhelpful when they say they don’t like carrots.

(Note: I don’t really agree with his assertions, nor do I lobby on behalf of “natural hair colors for VE’s”. So we’re clear.)

I don’t think it’s about getting new options, I think it is about keeping the visual uniqueness of the theme that Blood Elves have remaining. Mind you I could be wrong, that happens often.

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Partially. Some people want to complete it with more hairstyles/colours, such as your request for Kul Tiran hair. Some want to keep it from progressing further, to retain the full theme as unique to belves. Both opinions are valid, and neither is a waste of time.

Well Lann is specifically unhappy with the options Blood Elves got so far. That’s why I try to encourage him to keep asking for the options he wants for Blood Elves.


lol That’s great! :smiley_cat:


The question isn’t “What hair colours do you think look good on elves”, it’s “What colours do you want added to elves”. Asking what food I want to eat as opposed to what food I like is therefore the superior metaphor.


I believe one way to keep Blood Elf uniqueness while still giving void elves different hair colors is for whatever colors they get would be with a void effects to them. Streaked, sparkled, ombre, etc.