Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

This was probably the intent, but they used a bit too much blue, probably due to the cartoony style.


Similarly, I think that the requests to for all intents and purposes duplicate a race on the opposite side could have been better spent making a request for something actually new and unique.

We’re arguing tastes and priorities here, none are really any better spent than another.


This is what I’ve always thought as well. I mean, just look at it:

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Ok that looks blue but in the screenshot I don’t see it.

Speaking of tastes, velves are my favourite Alliance race bar none, but belves are only like my third or fourth favourite Horde race. Help, I think my taste buds are broken.

I can’t always help how people interpret my posts :man_shrugging:

And frankly I’m not inclined to go over every post with a fine tooth comb to account for every possible interpretation of my words.

I’ve been civil. I’ve tried clarifying. I’ve made as much of an effort as I’m willing to.

Requests for the denial of an option to one race IS a waste of time. It does not tell the devs what options we want. When the devs don’t know what options we want, they will decide for themselves what we end up getting without any input from us.

I can’t imagine myself ever making a post opposing someone else’s customization request. I would gain nothing from doing so. So I spend my time asking for the options I want.

I focus on asking for Kul Tiran assets to be shared with Void Elves to get the idea into the devs heads that they don’t have to do another “Void Elves inherit all that Blood Elves have!” to appease those seeking the High Elf aesthetic on the Alliance.

Maybe the devs don’t care about appeasing those seeking that aesthetic on Alliance. I don’t know. But they might care. And if they do, they can do it in one of two ways. They can take the easy/lazy/lowest-effort-possible method of copy/pasting Blood Elf assets to Void Elves
 they could go the route I’ve suggested.


That particular screenshot was the first one I found of him with the updated model from WoD. It’s probably the Plaguelands lighting obscuring the colour.

Say it loud, that still looks black to me.

Most likely a combination of the coloration of the surrounding zone and the fact that it’s more pixelated makes it look greyer to you.

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Except it does.

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We need to go deeper.


Lann specifically said they should focus on Void options for Void Elves. That is telling them what he wants.

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That’s super Zen.

It really doesn’t. It only tells the devs what you don’t want
 and more importantly it’s telling the devs what you don’t want for a race you aren’t trying to get options for. It’s not telling the devs what options you want for the race you care about.


You’re falling into his nonsensical premise. Saying what you don’t want is saying what you want.


I have no objection to more Void options. But you left something out. Lann essentially said Void Elves should get void options instead of anything not-void, not in addition to.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for more void options. I have a list of those I want myself. And let’s not forget that some options are just
 options. They can work for whatever theme you’re going for.

Black or white hair colors work just as well for a Void Elf who leans heavily into void themes as they do for a Void Elf who leans more into the High Elf theme.


Lann has consistently been in favor of this
 Cause it supports the void aspect of void elves.

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Focus is a limited resource.

I would know, I’m a MM Hunter. I run out all the time.


My position isn’t “nonsensical” I was very particular with my words.

When you spend time asking for options you don’t want added to another race, you aren’t spending time asking for options you do want added to your race.

The key word there is “options”. It provides the context for what I am talking about. Yes, when you say you don’t want Void Elves to have blonde hair you are telling the devs what you want. But you aren’t telling them the options you want for Blood Elves now are you?