Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

It’s true.

It doesn’t matter how high your dps/hps is, or how well you perform in endgame content, if you don’t look good while you do it!


I have to agree with Lann and Somand that normal human hair colors on Void Elves would effect Blood Elves. I will also say to me Blood Elves have already lost all uniqueness so i don’t care if Void Elves do get them. However I do understand the need for other to want to protect what little uniqueness Blood Elves still have.

let’s take blonde hair. It’s not about whether or not it comes from Blood Elves, Kultirans, Humans, etc, it does not matter if it’s a different style or shade. Blood elves were the if you want to play a pale skinned blonde haired elf the horde is waiting for you race. To some Belf players Blonde hair of any shade or style being given to Void Elves steps on their toes.

I agree with them. Lets say I own a shop in town that sells the only apple pies. Then you move to town and set up shop and also start selling apple pies. It doesn’t matter if your pies look different, they are still apple pies, and that will effect me.


Does that mean no one else in your neighborhood should be allowed to sell apple pies?


I disagree.

Honestly, Blizzard has already confirmed that there pushing for people to be able to play High Elves on both factions without adding any new races, and there will be more to come.


nope, Anyone can sell apple pies but it would be wrong for them to think that I’m not being effected by it when they do.


Some people who play Blood Elves may be upset by it yes. I can’t do anything about that.

But I also don’t think my options should be limited based on Blood Elves.

Blood Elves have the option for black hair. Does that mean Void Elves can’t have black hair?

Blood Elves now all have the option for light blue hair. Does that mean Void Elves can’t get any shades of light blue anymore?


You never answered this question as to why you think you’re currently unable to do that?

That doesn’t confirm more HE specific customizations but just customizations in general, as in “don’t worry VE fans” “don’t worry BE fans” more is come, not “Yes HE fans you will get the entire theme of BEs on Alliance soon!”

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That opinion is perfectly valid to hold. So is the opposite. People can disagree without trying to invalidate each others’ opinions.

I mean you’re assuming you’ll get more HE customization, and people are making it clear they don’t support it, and after they just made moves to appease HE fans perhaps it is you who will not get what they want and be upset by that and we can’t do anything about that.

not at all Void Elf players can and should ask for any hairstyles or colors that they want. Still they will also have to realize there will be opposition to those requests. The same in reverse, Blood Elves can ask for things as well. To which they will be those in opposition of. Still everyone has the right to ask for the things that they want.

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That’s true. But just remember, doesn’t matter what we request for here on the forums, whether we like the ideas or disagree with the ideas, Blizzard won’t look at them.

I’m not assuming I’ll get anything.

I’m asking for the options I’d like to see Void Elves get.

Neither of us know what Void Elves will be getting when the time comes. We could both be disappointed and Blizzard could just copy/paste all the hairstyles and colors between Blood and Void Elves. At least my request is an attempt at avoiding that.


My request is an attempt at avoiding that as well, by not making further infringements on the BE main theme?

You don’t have the moral high ground here, this is also a valid stance.

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I don’t think “morals” have anything to do with the subject at hand. And I agree with you that your stance is perfectly valid. I just think that requests to deny an option to one race is time that could have been spent making a request for options for another.


You’re attempting to put yourself on the high ground of “at least my request” like it’s very self explanatory now you’re arguing the definition of morals you know what I meant and what I pointed out to you.

How do you consider that blue? Looks pretty ash grey to me.

I think you’ve misunderstood me. I’m not putting myself on “the high ground”. There is no “high ground” in this conversation as far as I’m concerned.

I’m simply stating that my request avoids another copy/paste fiasco, whereas others asking for High Elf options have been asking for a straight up copy/paste of Blood Elf assets.


I think this sentiment comes across more poorly than you realize. It might be your intent to steer someone towards what you see as a better use of time, but it can come across as a dismissal of how they choose to spend their time.

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It’s a dark blue, but there is clearly blue in the hair.

I don’t see why you would think it was grey.


I’m pretty sure it’s black.

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