Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Had to copy them to Imgur, as I can’t post them properly from twitter.


Thanks again. I’m going to post these in my thread as soon as someone replies to my thread.


This looks very San’layn like then Dark Ranger. I hope we see Wings and Fangs for Blood Elves.

I have two short elves who’re sticking around… and two maybes.

My blood elf paladin is a skinny little half elf dweeb who ran around with the Argents until they mostly died, and who has moved home to Silvermoon to try to defend at LEAST that much. He heals, he protects… he occasionally goes ret for pvp when I get mad that all the Horde dps refuse to engage in the group fights and instead stare at the blue ball like penguins eyeing the water with the leopard se–ahem. Anyway. He was a gal for a hot second this week before I remembered about the female blood elf voice as applied to tanking.

My void elf has never met a bad idea that he doesn’t want to try. He’s a warlock verging on magic mad scientist.

I like the idea of a high elf, going void or not, and I have a warrior I’ve gotten all the way to… 12. But I’m not really committed to her. Iunno. And then a blood elf hunter for the ranger look, possible future options (with red eyes) and sweet mogs. But I haven’t settled on an ideal pet… and anyway, I probably won’t commit until my paladin gets me the blood elf heritage set.

…I like alts and this is my TED talk.

never ask me about my dwarves


I don’t see how, they both share this aesthetic in their undead skin and red eyes. If anything they look basically the same at least lower ranking San’layn look like Dark Rangers.

I edited my previous mockup to include separate sleeve mogs (though the bow arm is from a leather chest), and an asymmetrical version of a face tattoo from Night Elves, edited into a blue colour.


that looks really nice.



The only things that would take to make it possible in game are separate shoulder mogs, separate sleeve mogs, the ability for Hunters to mog leather, Void Elves getting access to Night Elf face markings, and said face markings being able to be mogged separately per eye.

Ok, that’s kind of a lot. A girl can dream though.


Just missing white hair and then we can represent the 7th legion high elf army.

That does look good! Also what bow is that?


They have a presence in the 7th legion, not all of the 7th legion is HE.


The bow is Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners in it’s default appearance, but in the green palette swap. I chose it because it was the simplest bow model that came with a quiver, and the gold on the green version matched the gold on my glove, boots, and shoulder.


They make up a major part of it tho.


there is silverish hair through.


No, they have a presence, a minor one, not a large one. And mostly in support. In game they are only seen as portal keepers.

Please don’t take stuff I say and turn it into troll posts. Without some base knowledge of lore.

Decided I’d do a closeup of my previous mockup, which entailed remaking it with the pieces at a closer zoom.


I’m so confused about all the portal keepers that were the Alliance side of fighting in Northrend, Fighting in Mists of Panderia and fighting in Suramar…

There are two Portal keepers who are SC.

They were at their zenith then. Made up a small arm of Alliance aligned forces notably fighting mostly on Dalaran’s behalf though. Just like they are in Pandaria. The only time where the SC was actually Alliance themselves, rather than Alliance aligned.

Suramar, well, they were there fighting on behalf of Dalaran again. so…

Yeah… you are confused.