Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Ice cream seems like a good go to

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I’m obsessed with chocolate caramel cheesecake ben and jerrys lately. I have to try very hard not to eat the entire pint in one sitting.

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Cookies and cream makes is happy foodz.

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If things keep up, I might splurge on a thing of gelato when I get groceries tomorrow

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Ohhh gelato is good too!


I love this. :heart_eyes_cat:

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This is my belf druid.

(An illusion! What is Avarie hiding?!)

man, i wish everyone would get some love for more creation options, a shame that lot of options are tied to one another as well…LOOKING AT YOU! HUMAN OPTIONS (as in certain skin zones are tied to certain faces etc etc etc)


That draenei skin tone looks so good o_o

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Anyn was a Dis priest, but after becoming a Void Elf she was cut off from the Light, and chose to learn the ways of the Shadow priest. Also I just came up with a last name for her. Her full name is Anyn Everfate younger sister of Amordrea Everfate. Their parents were killed long ago in the troll wars.


Apparently, only male Dark Rangers have an underwear attached to their undead skin tone and allow different face options. The females don’t have underwear textures and don’t have different face options. The male Dark Ranger options are basically ready to have that switch flipped.



Dark Ranger:

Blood Elf:


And you’ll notice it’s a palette swap of the regular underwear, so that’s all they’d have to do to make the female DR underwear is palette swap the regular.

For me I think I’d be OK with the alliance having a Silver Covenant elf if BElfs could have 2 things; darker skin tones and red eyes.


Oh wow, that’s true. I kind of wished they’d give Dark rangers black and silver underwear, but that weird blue is nice too.

Thank you for using your TL3 privileges, Lancelot.



This is all very intriguing we can only hope… :pleading_face:

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It looks green to me. Must be some kind of turquoise.

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Here are some Dark Ranger/San’layn/Undead Elf customization ideas from twitter by the wonderful artist The Goblin. They’ve generously allowed me to use them as examples for what I want in my Dark Ranger thread.

