Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

We’re too powerful no matter the faction.


I don’t have him on ignore, I just don’t read his posts if there is no substance to them.

He is trying to start trouble, and I will not amuse him for it.

Now let us go back to the subject we where talking about before we all gotten interrupted please.


It’s why when additional fabulousness is on the line extra snarkiness ensues!


And yet you like posts like these all the time, so you’re clearly here to engage in the same discussions until its not in your favor then you fall back on trying to be a hall monitor and seem to think only you alone are ever on topic when you’re most often furthest from.

Actually you are when the BE theme and aesthetic is regular Elf, and now you can replicate that almost perfectly on Void Elves, hair color, style, and class line up is all that is really left to protect as Void Elves now have two visual themes, and using myself as an example when I saw them do relatively nothing for Blood Elves in return for losing exclusivity, yes I side with the people who are at least protecting what exclusivity is left.

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Decided I’d try throwing together a mockup to see a look I could make if Blizzard is able to implement separate shoulder mogs.

The gloves are uneven too, but they come like that in game right now. They’re available as part of the Chains of the Chosen Dead set, or as Kvaldir Exult’s Grips.

I had to add the quiver from an in game screenshot, since Wowhead’s dressing room lacks it for whatever reason.


Need white hair and look pretty good i think Somant.

Changing hair to white is hard to pull off with my skill level. This is my attempt from a few thousand posts back.

I, uh… I think you aspirated my d.


I have this tabard on my Velf!


Yeah. A bit tricky to figure out the plot for, but darn does it look good.

When I need to justify it with a headcanon, I tend to picture a similar plot to Alleria’s: having been a member of the Army of the Light before becoming a Void Elf. Bit of a stretch, but what can you do?

They did save her, I would assume she supported them until she was jailed.

My Velf Anyn was a High Elf in the Silver Covenant before becoming a Velf. This Tabard was given to her by her brother in law the famed Allaince knight Sir. Rygus Holton. She wears it, because it goes better with her clothes and raises less questions then her old Silver Covenant one does.


I’m too lazy to look for an official source atm, but according to wowpedia, she was indeed a member of the Army of the Light, during which time she was infected by the Void on a small Legion prison world.

Later, on Argus, she summoned the power of the Void against the Legion and then left, and by the time she returned, Xe’ra imprisoned her for refusing to renounce the Void.

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Very nice.

Fenelon here was a priest in Dalaran when Quel’thalas fell. During the confusion of the Third war he never found out his people started rebuilding. (he ended up over on Kalimdor at the end of the war following the refugees from Lordaeron.)

When he came back finally he was convinced that the Blood Elves had lost their way. Ended up in the Silver Covenant and was among them until the Purge of Dalaran.

He was disgusted with his brothers and sisters and their treatment of the Sunreavers so he left and traveled among Alliance lands for a time helping where he could.

During this time he began experimenting with the void and found a new calling.

When Alleria returned with her Void Elves, he couldn’t help himself and joined to learn from Locus-Walker.

Now he’s completed the training and taken a void Essence into himself to become a void elf.


Mine is a Stormwind high elf who was born in mage district. Raised by gnomes. Is currently a wayfairer studying the void but never become an actual void elf. And also a former paladin who learned from Uther and Arthas at the same time. Also have white hair.

Before the First War or after?

What happened to their parents?

A shame.

Hmm… while Uther was training Arthas? Makes me think of that clone wars TV cartoon show with Ahsoka and Anakin. Must have been a fun time.

My void elf is a seamstress who believes that friendship is magic.



She said that friendship is magic, darling.

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