Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Well, you are a bull, sort of!



May I just say, that this particular not-Avarie mog is one of my favourites…


I guess I really hit a nerve just by pointing out an example of never say never.

Lol. No, they are just trying to use verbal fighting to slowly change subjects of this thread. Soon he will start saying how toxic one group is a little, then more so over the duration of the thread till it starts to pick up mob mentality. I think it is better to just ignore him unless you have something to say, then just say it once and ignore his next response.

Tl;dr take them with a grain of salt.


Thank you! I am loving yours as well!


Nothing wrong with that at all, sad if people think there is, but the truth is people have a vested interest in Blood Elves :confused: and the protection of at this point.


That’s quite the accusation from someone who said all this, but okay. :roll_eyes:

The girls are fighting

Lol. Let’s not amuse him.

I believe he set you to ignore he said. So he can’t hear you.

He should be familiar with the practice then as I’m sure that’s what Blizzard does when they see a LF Thalassian model request because someone’s obsessed with Light pure elves on Alliance.

Is this a dig implying that being a girl is bad, or are you doing it just to misgender people, or both?


It’s a Twitter joke I’m pretty sure referencing the Nicki / Cardi fight a year or two ago. But I agree it’s oddly placed and in poor taste here for the reasons you listed.


I don’t twit much so I had no idea. Still it’s one of the most tiresome forms of jokes.


You seem to have misunderstood.
I really don’t care whether you’re anti or not, you’re calling out people (which is all you do really) but giving a pass to people who share your views.

See? Choice of words here, claiming someone is upset just because they’re calling out your obnoxious behavior.
You’re not protecting blood elf uniqueness by naysaying what hair color someone wants to pick lmao.


Chill out. Where in that would you even take as being in any way shape or form against women or misgendering.

It’s a thread arguing about fictional elf customization where people are arguing about the dumbest things.

It depends on who you were talking to.

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Well considering no one was mentioned and there was no icon indicating a direct response to well anyone, I think it’s safe to just say it wasn’t directed towards anyone.

It’s literally just an internet humor phrase mostly used by gays. No offense was meant towards anyone.

It’s directed at the pages and pages of elves being snarky at each other over stuff like eye color in an mmo.

Elves are fabulous which does tend to make us snarkier than most.