Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

They’re talking about Alleriara.

Two tone black and white hair would be pretty fitting. We already have the widow’s peak haircuts, bride of frankenstein hair colors would be perfect.


It’s rude…at least Alleriara hasn’t insulted others here, unlike that little guy.

Well he was saying it in reference to me using the spray with water gifs that I’ve been using on her almost every time she spouts her need for blonde Void Elves.

Only reason I speak up, cause I’m the cause of the joke. The rudeness is technically on me on this one.

You kept things impersonal, and tasteful…he’s taking it to another level. But he’s been pretty obnoxious to myself…so maybe I’m more defensive.

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okay last pic I’m off to dreamland now. The two toned hair came out better then I thought it would.


First of all Starla is never rude.

Second of all you kind of proved her point, this is pretty condescending.

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In this post:

I dont think he was being particularly rude… given the situation. More tagging onto my actions of constantly using the spray gifs.


Immediate response to you though, was a bit rude. Especially since he could have just said what was going on in context instead.

I just don’t want folk getting yelled at for my dumb self.

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Remember when HE fan art was called trash? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


They still do. 2 of them is currently posting in this thread. I’m not gonna name them out but they know who they are.

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When I met you, you were but the learner. Now you are the master.


Trust me when they say this, when ever they respond to people like that, it’s never to point out someones behaivior, it’s to start a flame war, that is why I responded the way I did. I notice they only do that to end an constructive conversation that is not going their way.

Thank you though for speaking out though.

Awww…my opinion really bothers you that much? Let it go.

/starla mode:


This is untrue.

What part of this conversation is something that anyone would want to stop? That doesn’t make any sense.

Certainly doesn’t sound like what you are claiming -

And finally we have more of… what ever this is, a point you’re trying to make? Or just trying to be funny / condescending?


It must be so untrue that you decided to derail a thread about customizations into a thread of which group is worse and be uncivil. Yeah. Go and continue to prove my point though lol.

Are you giving a description of what you do / have done?

Because this is the epitome of staying on topic?

These threads are long, do try to remember being hall monitor isn’t necessary as they often stay loosely on topic, however if you want to get right down to it calling someone out by name and going /mode literally contributes nothing to the conversation what so ever.

So how am I proving your point, when you are clearly proving mine?

So it’s ok to call people rude if it’s starla, but not ok for someone else to call her rude when she obviously is, then?

Also you seem to be making an attempt to change the subject. This will be my last reply to you about her being rude in this scenario.


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I’ve already decided he isn’t worth my attention, I put him on ignore since he’s decided to slander me. Ty for your support, Lann. :hugs: