Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Thanks for that. I needed a chuckle after this bit of drama.


If night elves and nightborne can share the highborne theme why void elves and blood elves can’t share high elf theme? It’s seems a bit unffair in my opinion. But i don’t think we need any belf feature to make the high elf theme work for void elves. Blonde and orange could stay exclusive to belves.

I get being frustrated about BE customization. They need more. That’s something most players seem to agree on. That doesnt have anything to do with any other race unless blizz says it or there is evidence.


Because Void Elves have the same exact model.

Nothing is going to change that, and compromising isn’t a bad thing, what’s unfair is you or anyone else thinking you’re owed everything while BE players who are against further infringement are somehow being unfair.

Yep. Even if it didn’t cut into belf time specifically, surely it cut into some core race’s time or anther. Velves cut in line for sure. Not that I’m complaining


That’s definitively true. No one can argue that. And I am on record as stating:

-Disclaimer- I do not think Void Elves should get these things right now . I think all the core races (such as Blood Elves who I feel got shafted), should first be at an acceptable level of customization options before allied races get their pass. I also have no problem with Void Elves being the last allied race to get their pass since they got their skins early.

But that gets ignored?


One step closer to me in game, +1


Things get heated, and people don’t remember everything in the moment. It’s easy to mistake genuine intentions for having an ulterior motive or insincerity, especially when heated.

It’s probably because of the source of the theory, not the analysis so it was a question in general, sorry. It doesnt do anything for any player to entertain the idea that any race took time away from another unless confirmed, except stir the pot of course in this VE vs BE brawl. It’s not productive when customizations aren’t over.

This is true.

I’ve been mistaken for the “typical Male Human Paladin meme Troll” before, when what I was saying was actually quite sincere.

It’s okay. Though even without confirmation on it one way or another, some people will wonder if one race took away from another. It’s just human nature to worry like that.

The concerns themselves are valid. We can’t do anything about it, but let’s face it, nobody can expect these discussions to be ‘productive’ all the time. People aren’t perfect.

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The only reason you want to ignore people pointing out Void Elves got more impactful stuff done ahead of the line, is because you want to argue about sharing what time is left, and people if they feel you’ve already stolen or taken up time feel it’s important to point that out to Blizzard in our postings.

And additionally it comes at a major detriment to void elf fans who I feel are in the same predicament as blood elf fans.

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Solution, post on another chara—

Oh wait, you have TL3 on the HMP


It is my greatest regret.

I could have been posting on my glorious Orc, but instead I chose this




It’s not too late to start now! I earned TL3 four times, two of which were on velf Somand.

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I’m jelly of the people who have TL3 account wide.


Well, then it comes down to intent which can never be proven of course, but a pattern of baiting would suggest it’s an attempt to stir the pot and not just general worry or frustration.

Well hopefully theres a Q&A so it can be asked about or someone could throw out another tweet and hope the dev answers.

Me too. :sob:

Yeah how does that happen?