Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

and fit them to the velf underwear.

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Seems a lot of people find it a logical conclusion given the predicament.

And trying to downplay that seems disingenuous.

It really isn’t.

It’s not fact, but it’s a reasonable enough guess.

I’d say the absurd thing is labeling a conclusion you disagree with to be ‘absurd’.

The “we don’t know what Blizzard is thinking or how they do x or y” could be used for literally anything that they’ve never directly stated.

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I’m pretty sure its unreasonable to assume anything when it comes to something one simply cannot know.

Again, theres a ton of different possibilities for the results of customization so far. Theres no way to know which is more likely.

True, but unless Blizzard feels they want or need to communicate these things to us, our own conclusions are all we can draw.

Right or wrong, for better or for worse.

I agree with this and it’s something I feel it should be rectified sooner rather than later. But you already know I support that and that I feel that Blood Elves should get more stuff before Void Elves get their pass.

You also already know I have no objection to Void Elves sharing assets with Blood Elves. And you also already know that I support Blood Elves getting the Darkfallen aesthetic options and for Void Elves is to not copy more assets from Blood Elves.

Blood Elves and Void Elves are clearly related, being that they share the same model. Assuming that one eats into the other’s development is not unreasonable. Trying to state it as fact is, but not simply assuming.

You wishing Blood Elf players the best while moving to secure the last of what we have to defend with no guarantee anything else gets done for Blood Elves makes me skeptical at best.

Sadly, you seem to be in the minority in this among helf fans. It’s easy to see why Lann’s been soured to the idea.

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My thoughts are it isn’t just the Hairstyles that Blood Elves are protective of it is also the color. It doesn’t matter if it’s a different shade of blonde, that it’s a different style. Blood Elves were said to be the Pale skinned, blonde haired elves of wow. One of those two are now gone. They don’t want to lose the second one as well.

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What is the point in saying “clearly the time they spent copying and pasting skin colors from BE to VE and adding blue eyes is why they didn’t get tattoos and red eyes” besides drama?

How is their shared model related to how their customizations developed and what insight or evidence gives you the theory that anyone took time from anyone else? Again, why dont we assume that humans ruined it for BE since they “got more”? Clearly more time must have gone into making all those options for humans and that could have been spent on BE, and is obviously way more intensive than copying and pasting.

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And if Void Elves end up just getting hand-me-downs from Blood Elves, and no new assets created for them, should I then conclude that Blood Elf assets ate into the development of Void Elf assets? Because that’s not a result I want nor do I think Lann or others want either.


We have been requesting to play a blonde hair original skin elven race since vanilla wow when they appeaer in our cities and everywhere in the world.

It’s not my theory. I was just stating it’s not unreasonable for people to have this assumption.

Asking for Kul Tiran and Human assets to be shared with Void Elves has nothing to do with Blood Elves imo. :man_shrugging:


I don’t know why you’d address this question to me specifically.

I posited it as a ‘reasonable theory’ with a quantifier stating that I was not claiming it as fact.

Are you trying to stir up drama?

I understand why he’s upset. But why take it out on me when he knows my positions?

I reasonably assume that if nothing else it probably took a bit of time to remove the belf underwear from all the models and replace it with the velf underwear.


I’m sorry about this, but…


Because you have all those Mage barriers to protect you! You’re good at taking a punch!