Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

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I’m out of likes, but I laughed lol.


I like alliance because it is the good faction with human high elf dwarf and gnome. The fellowship is almost complete.

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Yep. All we need is hairy feet for Gnomes.

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You realize Gnomes don’t fulfill the Hobbit fantasy at all aside from being short, right?

I don’t remember Frodo and Sam wielding guns and bombs while they took the tram to Mordor.

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I think it is fair to say if both options are HE options for both sides that it is within the context of each side. For Void Elves the Wayfarers, for Blood Elves
 well Blood Elves are High Elves.

If you’re arguing against the Wayfarer route then I really am against additional lore bits too because what I am definitely not for is the full entirety of High Elves taking over Void Elves, which would be the only reason to argue against the Wayfarer route, so is that what you’re saying is your stance?

I’m not arguing against the Wayfarer route. My position is that there’s nothing wrong with Void Elves getting options shared from other Alliance races, even if one of those options is some shade of blonde that is nothing like any of the shades of blonde Blood Elves have.

Lorithyn immediately pointed out why it wasn’t a fair comparison. And it seemed fairly obvious to me we were discussing new customizations, of which Void Elves got the better end of the deal, so to me the only reason you would bring up the fact that raw numbers argument is to justify falsely any excuses to further steal from Blood Elves.

I have never argued that Blood Elves did not get a raw deal or that Void Elves did not get a great result from a simple copy/paste.

And furthermore, if Void Elves get hair colors and styles shared from Kul Tirans and Humans that is not stealing. And it most certainly isn’t “stealing” from Blood Elves since those are not assets that Blood Elves have.


It would consist of Blizzard making sure these hair styles fit the Thalassian model, then not giving them to Blood Elves. Seems pretty close to stealing to me.

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I might argue that it’s stealing resources and time, rather than the styles themselves.

Certainly neglect, though.

It does to a lot of people seem to be stealing, more so now than ever when Blood Elves have nothing to show in comparison that is unique, and I personally find it of the utmost importance to set the Wayfarer tone to not allow every little thing Blood Elves get to be called for in demand by the HE community which is known to be quite the “we want that too” type of people.

The Wayfarer is the HE in the context of Void Elves.

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The law about what is stealing is very clear. Stealing is taking something away from someone so they cannot use it. There’s no way that making a copy of something is stealing under that definition.

And it’s certainly isn’t even close to stealing from Blood Elves if it’s something they never had in the first place.

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You’re hyper focusing on the literal meaning of the word. It’s obviously being used figuratively here.


It would constitute stealing yet more focus from Blood Elves. Seeing as Void Elves seemed to eat up some of the development time and/or budget Blood Elves got.

If you don’t want to use the word stealing, then pushing to the way side and disregarding player feelings when your own player feelings were already addressed in a compromise seems accurate.

Blood Elves didn’t benefit from this exchange? So it seems to be a total disregard of players in my mind to further try to push Blood Elves to the wayside and reciting “well you still exist we aren’t stealing” when people take issue with it.

Steamrolling, bulldozing, ignoring, copying with nothing being done in return all come to mind.

Void Elves be like:


Did blizz state this? How does anyone know who got what amount of time?

Maybe the employees working on orcs also did BE and orcs took up most of their time!

It is pretty extreme to say that it is apparent that anything for VE took away from BE. For all anyone knows, an intern copy/pasted stuff for VE.

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No one knows for sure, but it isn’t too unreasonable to assume.

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Note that I said ‘seemed’. It’s a logical conclusion, based on how much more they were given versus all other ARs.

It’s not fact, but a reasonable assumption certainly.

halflings are like short thalassians. they’re svelte, slender, agile. the only thing big on them is their feet. they would never wear shoes. and they had a super fast metabolism, requiring they eat several meals a day.

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Haha. That’s a good idea i would like to see.

Unless you have some insight into how time is budgeted by Blizzard, I think that’s an absurd conclusion to come to. How do we know the time used to copy/paste Blood Elf skin tones wasn’t taken from Gnomes? Or Trolls? The answer is we don’t.