Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

This always irritated me to no end. It actively prevented me from really getting into DKs back then.

Why? Just curious.

Alliance and Horde DKs being in Outland wasn’t canon, but you were forced to do it for leveling.

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Well outland happened before wrath and DKs right? Or am I mixed up? I never thought about it, but that is pretty dang dumb. Should have had them level up enough to go into wrath.

I dont like the new leveling though for new players to get forced into BfA (if I understand it correctly) because starting zones are insanely important to developing a link between player and race. Even if it offers freedom for players who already played. That part is fine, but how the heck would someone new know what a goblin is all about if they dont do the starting zone? Unless I am mistaken on how it works now.

New players are forced to start in BfA and do not have access to Chromie time, yes.

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You’re correct. Thankfully by Legion, they realized how dumb this was and just had DHs start right at Broken Shore level.

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kul’tiran hairstyles on velf female

body tats



­>Warlock main


The hairstyles look so good compared to the play doh void elves have now (my opinion of course). No BE styles required.

The tats are kind of random, but of course look cool.


Then you have wackos like me who exalted one, got all the goodies, and then exalted the other on the same character… and this was before achievements. I had to actually put in a ticket to get the Hero of Shattrath achievement when achievements were released because I wasn’t about to swap yet again and I still had items from the first faction in my bank to prove I had exalted it. Thankfully they were obliging.

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Ouch. Having to do this over again if Blizzard had have said no would kill the light in anyone’s soul.

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i still havent maxxed out scryers, i dont think, though i’ve exalted aldor many times. this likely because originally alliance healer, i was told aldor was better. then just repeated that for shoulder enchants on my other chars till those were no longer bis - like 2 expacs or so later. easy mode - knew where the mobs were for the drops. tunnel visioned the whole thing, including ignoring the scryer rep drops. doh. i’m probably close to exalted with them now, i just dont recall which char was working on it lol. too many characters

Scryers are my preferred loyalty :heart:

i woulda never guessed that. :grin:

I generally prefer to bother with neither. That way I can wander all around Shattrath, and pop into either town without getting attacked.

i always do the quests, cause easy xp and like having the fp by bt

EDIT: removed due to wrong infos!

But Khadgar’s Guardian is sooooooooo slow…!


I just use Fractured Necroylte Skull when I want to go to the Black Temple.

I like them because they go against Kael, and I really dislike Kael for his actions.