Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yes, I want it for both belves and velves. I’ll take it for either though, as long as someone gets it.

As far as I can remember from actual sources within the canon, there is no solid lore. There may be a piece here or there about “magical tattoos”, but nothing concrete that I can remember off hand. I remember reading a little about it from the RPG, but that’s non-canon now.

This likely stems from the two team system they have within the game. If they minimize it in the story, people ask for them to remove the faction barrier altogether, so then they decide to “put the war in Warcraft”, but it comes across as insincere to me most of the time.

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While I don’t care if they also get it the fact they are Farstrider tattoos means Blood Elves have claim to them.


Well now we are in a weird place because players are upset over hair of all things and want distinction, but both technically would inherit markings of some sort… but the game isn’t exactly clear on who has what and why other than the ranger thing you pointed out and alleria. So do we take it all and give it to everyone or give each some unique options like my phoenix necklace vs moon pendant example?

It would be nice if everyone got some, but there were distinctions.

Blood Elves could get Magister tattoos similar to the box art and Rommath, but if we take these as “magical”, the Void Elves could get a void styled version instead of the Blood Elven standard magic version.

In terms of Farstrider tats, it could be as simple as a variation in shape and colour.


If they cant write the story to actually support the faction separation then why have it? I am fine either way mind you, we can burn the whole planet down in an attempt to wipe the other side out and have horror and gore for BOTH sides if that’s what they want, or we can chill out and let all the crap go. That’s saying a lot since it still ticks me off thinking about teldrassil and caused me to ditch the horde.

I think it’s a case of Blizzard’s classic stubbornness, in addition to the amount of people who seem to actively like the separation.

There’s also the argument brought up that “it’s always been this way, to change it would fundamentally alter the game”.

I personally don’t care too much about the faction divide itself, and could see it going away in at least some fashion if the game’s player numbers ever dip low enough.

I’m not actively against the faction divide either. It’s just something I really don’t care about either way.

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I like the factions. I wouldn’t like the divide going away.

That’s fair, as I stated in my above post.

The system exists for a reason, I’m just largely apathetic to it either way.

If they leave them, no big deal to me. If they remove them, same thing.

I do think it would likely be a waste of development time and resources to alter the game enough to remove them, so I suppose I’m against them being removed, but more softly than most people.

Also, it wouldn’t hurt them to utilize the two faction narrative better in their writing.

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Some people I know want cross faction game play and I’m indifferent on it at worse and supportive at best. I don’t really know what it entails or means nor would I benefit or lose from it unless it’s the beginning of the end of factions then I wouldn’t want it.

That seems like the simplest implementation to me, from a resource perspective.

Just allow cross-faction grouping in some capacity, while leaving the factions themselves alone. It would prevent them from having to rework a lot of other systems.

That is, if they end up implementing this sort of change at all.

As long as there is occasionally faction conflict and factions are still here I don’t care about it.

But some people have a real problem with the concept of suspension of disbelief I think it’s called when people watch theatre. But people seem to have real trouble with that concept in this game for various things so idk how they would handle factions and being in groups if they have an issue with that concept, but who knows.

Like I can see us having faction conflict but people not knowing to utilize suspension of disbelief when we do if we can group together with threads like “Just delete factions if we can group together it doesn’t make sense we’re at war” type things.

I think Ion said it was a “pillar of WoW” to have the faction war. Fine. Let’s not have velen stepping in to help the BEs, or Anduin releasing Saurfang from prison, or Thrall stopping Jaina from wiping org off the map then, or Varian not turning on the horde immediately after siege. No Baine saving Jainas brother either (sorry Baine).

All I’m saying is it will be crazy stupid to be sitting wherever my covenant is on a NE character along with horde NPCs and players, if I give even one tiny bit of a crap about NEs after BfA.

This feels very reminiscent of the Scryers and Aldor divide in Burning Crusade. You can even choose Scryers as a Draenei or Aldor as a Blood Elf.
It feels odd.

Then again, with that system they were originally supposed to essentially replace the Alliance and Horde while you were on Outland. They probably found this too strange or difficult and scrapped it partway through development.

You can read about it in old magazine interviews. I’d have to do some digging, but I could probably come up with a source if anyone needs it.

I just wish Blizzard would create a Neutral faction. Then those that want the Horde Alliance conflict can have it. While those like me that just want to avoid the whole thing can be on our neutral faction.

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Choosing Scyers is my favorite thing, I love that tabard and concept of siding with those Blood Elves. But I never thought about the other aldor but I played it after it was current so maybe they each had benefits people said.

If they allowed cross faction grouping, they could do it as a mercenary mode type deal. That would allow people to group with their opposite faction friends while preserving faction distinction.

There were a few different quest lines you had access to, but they weren’t too significant as I recall.

The most major difference was what Flight Path you got in Shadowmoon Valley: Sanctum of the Stars for Scryers, and Altar of the Sha’tar for Aldor, which really only mattered pre-280% flight, and what rep rewards you got.

My Orc tank warrior for example picked Scryers because I liked Blood Elves, but I lost out on a great tank chest piece that I could have purchased from the Aldor.

There was also profession recipes unique to each faction as well.

Its just… Bad. No druids hanging out together either, by the way, so who gets booted out of moonglade?

Ugh. Its putting me in a very bad mood to think about, which is pretty much how it’s been since they announced BfA. Anyway, I’ll stop going on and on now.

On a related note, I always hated being funnelled into Outland as a DK back in the day.