Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The concept is fine, but the execution was bad. It was easily and lazily resolved at the end of their introduction xpac by the Draenei, their enemies.


I suppose I just question some people’s dislike of the BE story when I doubt they like Blood Elves anyways.

It’s hard to for me to envision it comes from a good place, that’s not to say you, if anything you restating it benefits that argument in terms of me hearing it as I don’t think you hate Blood Elves.


I’m fine with Blood Elves rising again. In fact, it’s what I wanted out of their story from the beginning. To eventually rise above their situation and achieve their former glory.

Emphasis on eventually. It was resolved far too quickly by Velen, the leader of the opposite faction equivalent to them. They had no hand in their own salvation.

It really made them feel irrelevant in their own story, as well as resolving so quickly that the time they spent bereft of the Sunwell felt far more insignificant than it should have, at least within the context of WoW itself.


You’re right, I certainly don’t. Here’s my first ever character to level cap! :heart:


This. It would have been so much more meaningful if they had overcome the loss of the Sunwell on their own instead of having an Alliance leader help them out. Strange decision on Blizz’s part if we’re to believe that Belves are now loyal to the Horde


I know and they’re fine for BE in my opinion, I just dont think they add any sort of true theme (I dont know the story behind them in all fairness). Kind of like how there were some spot on NE additions like the leaves and the moon markings the males got, but then random stuff like the split eyes which I cannot figure out still. The nose piercings are nice, but they dont really add anything specific they’re just personal flavor. The scars are nice for my hunter because I can imagine a hunter having many encounters with beasts that would end in scars. Scars though aren’t specific again, its just something maybe every race should have.

Jewelry beyond the basics though is kind of more on point with being specific to a race if done correctly. A moon pendant on a NE may mean something, but it’s just a silly necklace on a BE. A Phoenix necklace means something to a BE that it wouldn’t to a NE etc.

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Exactly. The fact that they remain enemies of the Draenei after their leader literally overlooked their treatment of a being he reveres as a sort of deity, and then actively restores their fount of power, only to have them go back to gleefully slaughtering his people for the zug zug seems… poorly conceived at best.

I mean, an explanation could be rendered, and may have even been intended, but it was not shared with us, the players. This made the whole thing feel bizarre and unearned.


This was the upgraded Elven Ranger unit from WC2. Thalassians were some of the first in all of Warcraft with this theme.

While I can see it’s a poor choice to have another Alliance savior type deal for a Horde race I don’t think it calls into question Blood Elf position in the Horde. It definitely can be assumed endeared them to Blood Elves as far as relations go, but I don’t think it’s some sort of “now they make no sense Horde” deal.

Blood Elves still make sense within the Horde, it’s just sad that we didn’t get any sort of in-universe examination of this. It’s just like it didn’t happen, except that Liadrin and Velen are weirdly chummy, but then lots of racial leaders seem to be anyway.


Right, but I was talking about Rommath’s (sp?) runic tats from the box art actually. I think those you pointed out are essentially what alleria is sporting, right?

This image reminds of another
Again 10/10 opportunity we had here Blizzard
You pulled another Dragonmaw


Alleria’s are based off them, yes. Hers looked different in WC2 than they do in WoW though.

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Yes, that’s correct spelling.

The Blood Elf from the box art is not Rommath, and the tattoos are different in style.

Here’s Rommath (note the tattoos on his arms):

Here’s the box art Blood Elf (note the markings on his face):


So I’m going to try and put in my reason why I think some oppose it. This is just my minds interpretation of the possibility. I personally think Blizzard has already ruined Blood Elves, so to me it doesn’t much matter if they give Void Elves a few natural hair colors. Now back to what I was saying.

Blood Elves have always been seen as you Generic Fantasy Tolkien Elves. I believe it was said if you want to play as a pale skinned blonde haired elf the Horde is waiting for you. That in itself says that pale skinned blonde haired elves were a Horde aesthetic. It is the aesthetic that defined the looks of Blood Elves. Blood Elf players have now lost the exclusive right to the pale skin. I’ve seen Belf’s that aren’t just upset that they gave the pale skin tones to Alliance Void Elves, but also those who are upset that Blood Elves were given darker skin tones. For some that ruins the fantasy of what they are. So now all they have left of the theme is the Blonde hair. They are going to be those who are going to do there best not to lose what little visual theme that Blood Elves still have.

People will say that Blood Elves aren’t losing anything but we are. If a company decided to make a game that was a 90% copy of World of Warcraft. I doubt Blizzard would fold to the excuse, “but we’re not stopping you from continuing to make your World of Warcraft game, so you’re not losing anything.”

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And I think Blood Elves can get them all because the way NE stuff is named, Moon, Ancient, Wild. Etc

There should be Farstrider options, Runic, and Rommaths idk how it would work entirely but I think they should be.


I agree. All of these make perfect sense for Blood Elves.

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They definitely still have a place in the Horde, it’s just forever odd now when I see a Blood Elf fight the Alliance with extreme prejudice (unless the conflict involves the purge of Dalaran, of course)

If the devs really wanted faction conflict then the writing needed to go in a different direction imo


Can I just take this opportunity to say I am so very much over the flip flopping of the faction “war”? One expansion they’re buddies and the next we have things like theramore and teldrassil. I wish they would pick a bloody lane and stick with it already.

War paint or whatever would be a nice customization for VE then.

Thank you for the clarification. I’ve heard the box art brought up many times with the picture and Rommath, but I dont remember seeing the NPC. What’s the lore with the two different styles?

For me it makes sense. I can recognize if someone helps me, but if associating with someone is in conflict with other loyalty I have like to other friends or family, I still wouldn’t consider us close. Thanks for the help I think you’re great but this doesn’t change my loyalty sort of thing.