Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Bit of an overshare, mate


Only the males though. :wink:


That is still one of my fav games :heart:

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swtor? nice animations!


Mmm when I finally get to that game I need to make a Twi’lek.

And great storylines.

Sith Inquisitor, and Imperial Agent are my top two.

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On this you and I will never agree. That’s not saying I want Blood Elf assets, you know I don’t. But I will never agree to restricting what options Void Elves can have based on what options Blood Elves have.

If Void Elves take hair colors and styles from Humans, that has nothing to do with Blood Elves at all.


As long as it is blonde and white hair.

The thing is, it’s not “more High Elf options”. It’s just “more options”.

As you can see from my example pic in the post after the one you quoted, I’m not ignoring the void aspect of Void Elves. The options I’m looking for work just as well for someone focusing on the Void Elf look as they do for someone focusing on the High Elf look.

Having brown, black, white, or yes even some shade of blonde hair, with tentacles and blue skin is just as legit as any other combo. The choice of how to use those options is entirely up to the player.


I wouldn’t say nothing, since it’s still going further towards the theme of generic elf. But yes, less than actually ripping belf assets.


I don’t agree that it goes “further towards the theme of generic”. They are just options. If I want to plop blonde hair on purple or blue skin and turn on the hypothetical tentacle toggle, what’s wrong with that?

Were Night Elves and Nightborne “going further towards the theme of generic” with these hair colors?

I don’t think so (though obviously Nightborne need a slew more options to have any sense of variety). I think that just having a wide variety of options gives players the freedom to mix and match as they please.

What would be the big deal with this picture if her hair was brown or blonde (most people seem fine with black and white) but otherwise her skin, eyes, and tentacle, remained the same?


Well you won’t be a wayfairer. Blonde must be used with normal skin tone.

But those options would be available to non-blue skin and no tentacles.

Take this mockup I made for example:

That’s a human hair style, with a human hair colour, but it certainly makes her look closer to the belf theme of generic elf.


I don’t have to be a wayfarer. Blonde hair doesn’t have to be used with a human skin tone.

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So what? Why does the potential of what I can mix and match with matter?


It allows one to come closer to the theme of generic elf. Just because you could mix blond or brown with blue skin doesn’t prevent this.

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Again… so what? Why does that matter?


The fact of the matter is that it looks closer to a Blood Elf from a thematic perspective. This bothers some people, as they believe the thematic overlap damages the uniqueness of both Blood Elves and Void Elves.

It’s not being stated as something objectively bad, it’s just how they feel, and no amount of you saying:

Will invalidate those concerns.

It may not bother you, but it does bother some people.

That’s just how it is.


Because it’s infringing on the Blood Elf main theme that I and others disagree you should have full access to.