Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Wait, they couldn’t?

I thought they could group, but not enter each other’s cities.

Am I misinformed? I’ve never played any version of Everquest, just read about it a little.

And ye’ll need air support too champion!


I’d trust that adorable little kitty to be my Wingman any day of the week!


Looks like a much better air cat than my horrible copilot


well lemme put it this way - no one did because 1) they couldnt understand each other as they wouldnt let them speak a common tongue between good and evil, so you had to get a friend of the opposite faction to teach you, essentially, if i remember correctly and 2) they’re supposed to be enemies, so i dunno if you could even invite them to group. dang i dunno, its been years since the original and all i know and recall is the emulator

edit seems like there was only one zone where you could understand the opposite faction - the zone where the players had basically set up their own centrally located auction area. was called the tunnel until a later expac where they provided an actual bazaar and you marked stuff in your inventory you wanted to sell and find an empty stall to stand in. they didnt have an automated auction house. it was all like trade chat.

Please do, I have a problem.

Blizzard should never have let me have these powers.


(and here I was just googling to get the it’s time to stop posting image, and there that is)


Watch out saying this or you might be accused of some rude things. :scream_cat:


That’s not the point I was making, like, at all.

That’s really up to the devs to decide not any of us. None of us can say “it has been completed” because none of us has inside knowledge as to what the devs plans are for adding new options to Void Elves.

For all we know, the devs could intend to share tons more stuff between Blood Elves and Void Elves simply because its the quickest/easiest/most-low-effort thing they can do. I mean, that’s not the outcome I want, but there’s a fair chance of it happening simply due to the ease that route offers vs. making entirely new assets from scratch for both Blood Elves and Void Elves.

With that said, while I am a proponent of additional hair colors in the normal human spectrum being added to Void Elves, I’d prefer they be shared from the Kul Tirans. It’s not a huge selection but it covers the basics yet retains distinction from the hair colors Blood Elves have access to.

I feel the same way about hair styles. There’s quite a few Human hairstyles I think would look great on Void Elves, not because they’d be a good option for RPing a High Elf, but just plain good options no matter what you want your Void Elf to look like. These hairstyles in particular I think lend themselves well to both those who want to lean heavily into the Void look, and those that want to lean more towards the High Elf look:

Imagine a Void Elf female with blue skin, purple hair, and that side-part cut on the bottom right. Now imagine if a tentacle toggle added tentacles draping down past where the hair curl is on the side. That would look amazing to me.


i like oxhorn hairstyle too. :smiley:

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Here’s a quick and dirty mockup I made to show what I mean:

That hairstyle can work just as well going full on Void Elf as it could going full on High Elf. All it takes is a tentacle toggle, some hair color options, and a little imagination.


I needs to be stated once again that Void elf females did not get any true short hair styles and are in sore need of them.

This is where I disagree on the basis of thinking a compromise has already been made, the full High Elf theme should always belong to Blood Elves first and not fully available to Void Elves.

That hairstyle reminds me of this hair look, Blood Elves have the braid which gives me more fantasy vibes, but I wish we had access to more modern esque hairstyles as well, seeing as we thus far have an eye color for the exclusivity that has been lost this far.

If we don’t get it that is fine too but it is what it is.

I respect your view point Nicodemus, but I see no reason for Velfs to get more High Elf options at the expense of Void Elves.

I’m tired of Velfs being ignored in place of High elves. They’re not even the focus of our race.

100% like this idea.

Void Black Hair and Stark White as well.

I would definitely like Sassy tails for Void Elves myself

It would also work great with a tentacle toggle as well, serving a bit of a Twi’lek look with tentacles in place of the ponytails.


hmm. Ponytails with out the tentacle toggle, Tentacle Lekku looking things with? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pretty much, it’s a cute style that I think fits the Void Elf aesthetic well either way.


Is it odd that I’d kinda want a male version too?

I enjoy Twi’leks.


haha still pretty decent animation for being as old as vanilla wow

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