Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

It’s almost as if basing the integrity of a race’s identity on aesthetics is bound to end badly.

I’m pretty happy with my blood elves? My dude has finally dark hair and dark skin with green eyes AND a beard, my mage has a cute pixie cut and jewelry.

Would I have liked more? of course, more is better. But it’s not my fault that you are so unhappy with BE options that all you care now is preventing others to give their characters the fantasy they want.


Oh look this applies here.

Lol okay yeah you had everything from trying to up play the BE males which are universally by almost everyone said to be lack luster, but you even did the HE fan “and the jewelry is A+ too” line, but no biases right you just happen to sing the party line.

Did I say it was? I’m sorry I don’t recall saying it was your fault? Your fault? Who are you?

Yep that comment I linked is applicable here :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m really sorry that you are so deep in your discontent you can’t believe someone is actually happy with the Blood Elf customization.


Definitely go with your last thought. The negative cycle is never ending and not worth the energy.

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Just stick to asking for blinde red and white hair. Blizzard listened once just have to hear us one more time.

So I guess that’s it, if you are happy with how Blood Elves look, you are tantamount to a race traitor.

Hot dang my dude, you got really far gone during this time, jeez Louise.

But I do agree, I do want something more for BE’s. I do want undead customization for Blood Elves and wouldn’t mind scars and tattoos.

Funny how you can want things without denying stuff to other people.


And you’d see Blood Elves stripped bare with no guarantee of anything unique or exclusive to us.

Yeah man, just good luck out there and hopefully you come to terms with… whatever this is. You keep talking as if you are “losing” stuff, being “stripped bare” and I can’t connect to that mentality.


With what? Do I seem like I have bad luck?

I’m not the one lacking hair options that steal someone else’s theme so this current situation is fine with me… wouldn’t it be you who needs to come to terms with it?

I know you are trying to be shady and all, but it’s just sad at this point dude. “hair that steals someone else’s theme” SMH


Right so I guess it’s me who should be hoping you come to terms with things and this compromise :hugs:

Let me add this in, good luck to you too!

White and Black is the basic color scheme for everything, and it fits the Void Elf theme, and it’s also fair to assume that Void Elves will receive new hairstyles when Allied Races get their turn on customizations since they haven’t gotten any new hair. But blonde hair and Blood Elf hairstyles are probably staying as an exclusive for Blood Elves, Void Elves will probably receive unique new hair options to avoid overlap.

Calm down, bro! The sky is not falling!

Keep promoting the Darkfallen, San’layn theme for Blood Elves now and wait until it bears fruition. There’s no need to campaign against more customizations!

Most people posting in this thread already get it, and that’s why BOTH Blood Elves and Void Elves are receiving purple eyes. So, don’t forget that, when Void Elves receive more customizations alongside another Allied Races and some of their new options get ported to only one Core Race “Blood Elves”, pretty much like what’s happening now with Void Elves.

Let’s work together! :handshake:


I have no idea who you are with your 2 post history.

What is this where I seem the opposite of calm because I come off a bit harsh?

The new eyes have a very slight glow. It’s less noticeable than the other eye colors. Here’s some pictures in bright and dark settings, plus character selection screen.


my human with blonde corn rows. i figured out how you make the bare scalp thing work in your favor. the hair color and skin color have to be similar, then you cant tell the scalp is bare


looks really cool in the dark.

I changed realm, name, and race for Shadowlands.

I know, I’m just trying to say that you should not worry and should promote new options for Blood Elves more, instead of campaigning against Void Elves, because now is the perfect time to ask for more, not less.

Bro!!! KAEL’THAS is chilling on the freaking Transylvania right now with red eyes!!! I can’t see a better opportunity to promote San’layn / Darkfallen customizations options. I mean, we don’t even need Blood Elves coming back from the dead, or undead, to justify these options, these customizations could easily be justified by “Blood Elves working too much and too close with the Venthyr and being affected by their anima, changing their skins to gray and making their eyes red.” Boom! Done!

He’s saying you’re doomsaying, that’s what he means by “calm down”. The 2 post insult is a bit questionable though, I’ll be honest.



Somebody is going to allude to the term doomsaying but I’m the one who’s not calm?

The 2 post was valid because they spoke like they had spoken to me before.

My stances are hardly doomsaying but they are valid, harsh at times but I’m not frantic either which is what “calm down the sky isn’t falling” seemed to insinuate.