Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The new eyes are pretty neat! Have you checked how they look in Telogrus lightning?


I have not but Sela will look wonderful with that too.


So ahh when is wanting hair colors like red, white, and blonde consider a bad thing?

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When it continues to steal from Blood Elves.

And you actually outright said you wanted all the Blood Elf hairstyles.

I just did! :smiley:
The other purple eyes glow brighter, but these ones are nicer.

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Iā€™m not going to be quiet while people who canā€™t recognize they already have the better part of the deal in compromise skewed in their favor pick the last pieces of Blood Elves away.

Because to me we could still not get anything anyways, and still have something to lose.

Ah! I wanted to know if they look similar to how VE eyes looked during 8.3 (less entirely glowy, more localized on the iris instead)

Yes i a gree. They are the same race after all.

Well, as long as you remain stuck on the mentality that you are losing anything when itā€™s factually untrue, things are not going to get better.


Again Somand gave a good example of what I and others mean when we talk about this.

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And you literally are missing my point still; if you share something, you are not ā€œlosingā€ it. If blood elven aesthetics only have value to you because only you can choose them, then you donā€™t value them for what they are and what they mean in context, you just value them because someone else canā€™t have them.

Nonetheless, VEā€™s can have hair colors that are more natural without being the exact same shades than BEā€™s, so they wonā€™t look the exact same. But if all you care is about claiming exclusivity over an aesthetic, canā€™t vibe with that.


And youā€™re missing mine, as itā€™s very obvious which biases you push.


Iā€™ll take a picture in some dark place later.

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I literally want people to fulfill the fantasies they want, thatā€™s why I supported blue eyes for Blood Elves even when itā€™s not my jam too.

What horrible, horrible biases I have.


Meanwhile you also champion the last uniqueness of Blood Elves to go to Void Elves because ā€œno one loses anythingā€. Yeah well you donā€™t see Blood Elves gaining anything either, and I see a very big deal in the form of a compromise already existing.

But thanks for supporting a single eye color!

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I mean you literally forgot golden and green eyes in that ā€œlast uniqueness of Blood Elvesā€ rant, I guess you do believe Blood Elf identity is literally on their hair color.

If all BEā€™s are is that to you -not their history, not their struggle, not their perseverance- no wonder you are literally shaking at the thought of sharing the aesthetics to any degree.


Oh so you havenā€™t seen the HE fans ask for these yet? Youā€™ve been gone too long to notice I guess. Or are you just one of the people who equate an eye color to an entire visual theme?

LOL wrong again but not surprised :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Are you going to say that to all Blood Elf fans that are interested in protecting Blood Elf things?

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I mean you always forget Iā€™m a blood elf fan too, but I guess Iā€™m not a ā€œreal oneā€ because I donā€™t agree with your notions of ā€œprotecting blood elf identityā€. Because again, BE are more than their aesthetics -lorewise they have shared that with HEā€™s since the beginning- and that you, and others, continue to link the integrity of BE identity to hair color of all things is frankly, insulting.


No! Bad! Your spelling is off!


Funny I think thatā€™s all that is left to protect I donā€™t think anyone started out protecting hair? Or is that just you being selectively disingenuous with that statement?

Because I donā€™t recall what was done for Blood Elves with what has been lost so far? Gender restrictions on the jewelry? An eye color that you oh so advocated for apparently despite not liking it because youā€™re just such an amazing unbiased person?