Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Hey now we have leaves in our hair now, does that count?

I dunno, you tell me?


Nope not to me,

I’m wearing leaves right now, and loving it.

(new Fezzy Alt)


Be you man, be you! I was never one wanting to look like a box art picture from a few years ago.

Yeah, Fezzy didn’t get any benefit with the customizations so I made his brother and used some.

You seem to have misunderstood me despite being what I thought was clear.

I gave an example on how the first issue, differs, because the Nightborne model differs, and lacks customization as opposed to NE’s the core race which got decent customizations unlike Blood Elves.

The second issue that you’re describing is the one Blood Elf players also have so I sympathize and it’s your theme being crossed over, but I do feel they are different enough to still give you your theme.

The part you quoted is me saying BE players have both of these worries and concerns, and no I have not seen NE players complain that NB models are the same/superior now because of two visual themes, nor have I seen them complain that NB customizations during the core race pass were superior to theirs.

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I think this is true. And when you point out blood elves would have been alliance if horde wasn’t a dead faction in vanilla wow they spray you.

The same people are interested in erasing Blood Elves, by being able to lay claim to their themes and customizations on Alliance.

These are the same people who ignore the story as well.

Yesterday someone claimed corruption didn’t exist until patch 8.3? And then said it was head cannon to claim Void Elves were changed by the Void?

These are the same people arguing for HE’s with a bone to pick because of their skewed view of BE lore.


Ehh they done worst in the past, name calling and personal attacks even some made fun of my sons english in the past, but still hasn’t stopped the request for real Alliance High elves, not even a few little memes to take the place of discussion. It’s usually the same 5 or 6 that team up on folks. Ignore button works wonders.

Let’s be clear it’s “me” not “they”.

I account for my actions, no one is making or encouraging me to do this.


cringing because I’m remembering all the things you’ve said in threads

I’m happy Pelagos, and other diverse storylines made it into the game though despite things you’ve said :slight_smile:


Natural hair colors and the concept of jewelry are hardly exclusive to Blood Elves, albeit if/when Void Elves ever got jewelry it should definitely be in their own style, akin to their differences between earrings.

They are being singled out and even experiencing behaviour on par with the behaviour you referenced, so yes they are being treated in a fairly discriminatory manner.

And again, I’m not advocating for the theft of Blood Elf assets. Beyond that you really don’t have a point here.

And I explained why I find this reasoning faulty and that I neither agree with it nor do people need to follow suit with this line of thinking.

That and Blood Elves already got their new hairstyles and colors, so there’s not really anything that ‘could’ve gone to Blood Elves’ when Void Elves get their new hair assets.

Blood Elves really shouldn’t either, and Night Elves had more grounds to be cross about having their aesthetic replicated twice over and all I really ever heard out of them was “Kinda wish we got Nightborne for the Alliance, oh well.”

Yet the world would come to an end if Void Elves got Blonde hair.

Most Night Elf fans seem to air their grievances to Blizzard rather than another portion of the playerbase, as they should.

And the Blood Elves being short changed on their options is mismanagement of resources amongst core races on Blizzards part.

I don’t really want either myself. I tend to pine more for Draenei and Night Elf stuff, myself.

Which is also what we are advocating for Void Elves, albeit not in the exact fashion that you’d prefer.

No one is getting erased though. Everyone will still have access to their options.


We got an NB hairstyle?

You know lann if i attacked anyone based on them personally I would have been banned and post would have been taken down, which proves i wasn’t I said no content sexual matter should be in game,

I believe according to Naughtymoon it was the pixie cut? She was rather upset about it so I took her word for it, some style that was unique to NB though.

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Hey now, I only got TL3 a little while back.

And to be fair aside from being a butt to Alleriara there, they know why, I’ve only been hitting the posts with cringe otherwise.

Also fair. My spray gifs are hardly evil.

I’m sorry your son got made fun of. That’s not cool.

While I’m not about personal attacks or name calling generally, I’ve seen some of your posts and… Well a spray gif would be too little for some of those.

If you need to ignore someone though, you should. We must police our own health after all.

I think she’s mistaken…

To my knowledge nightborne don’t have that one.

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The one named Pixie that nelves have I believe is from the hairstyles that didn’t get added in Cata for whatever reason. Bob (NE) is similar to Vogue (NB) though, so maybe that’s the one?


I will ask her next time I see her in what ever thread were in idk if she’s been in this one, it was in the other thread, but I remember thinking I’ve seen the hairstyle in question on both now once she said that.

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