Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

ugh VE don’t need green eyes, we are void touched, not fel touched.

Did she do a mock-up on the void streaked hair?

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She did not that I know of anyways but she’s talked about void streaked hair a few times :hugs: and is a nice compromise for non tentacle for people who hate those but still void.

(Commentary): While I agree, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for Void Elf Warlocks to have green eyes. That really is the only logical point for it though. So, unless we’re throwing all distinction between Blood Elves and Void Elves out the window, it’s better off remaining a Blood Elf only eye color, along with gold.


The only way I can see this happening is with a model toggler for the lightforged.

I hope it happens honestly.

Agreed, though we could, if model toggler becomes a thing they can make a disticntion of eyes by removing the iris.

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Yeah. It kind of goes back to a game mechanic thing…

Green Eyes have just been a huge part of the Blood Elf identity the whole time.


So long as “void-streaked” hair is “in addition to” and not “instead of” more neutral hair color options, I have no objection to it. I just prefer neutral colors like black or white because they can work either way for more voidy or less voidy depending on your wants. The flexibility neutral colors offer is appealing to me

I also think a tentacle toggle is a great option because it allows players the freedom to decide if their hair has tentacles or not instead of us having some styles with and some styles without. With a tentacle toggle, every hairstyle can have tentacles… or not, as your taste dictates.

Anyone asking for green eyes on Void Elves is trolling IMO. It’s stupid to ask for it and I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that the one topic asking for it exists solely to stir the pot and rile you up. Don’t fall for the bait. You’re smarter than that.

Blood Elves got what they got for now. It sucks I know. Just keep asking for the options you want to see Blood Elves get and don’t make it a competition based on what Void Elves have gotten or are asking for. It doesn’t help anyone get anything when you do that.


I think it’s far better to accept that their words on HE customizations for both sides has been upheld to the extent of each race being able to uphold it. Void Elves / HE wayfarers still mean something perhaps the reason we don’t see hair is because they don’t intend to go further than that. And the same with the scholars, they would start to see a change for all we know.

If people are basing the call for Green eyes off the idea that they feel promised to look like NPCS, blizzard should double down and not give non void hair thus ending the idea you get to look like NPCs. Green eyes for VE problem solved in my book.

Green eyes go to VEs, and what? They already have non void skin tones, and all Blood Elves got was an eye color, one that BEs had better claim to than VEs would ever have for Green eyes anyways.

Yeah. This usually seems like a last ditch attempt to block High Elf customization options.

I mean, historically these come months long talking points. “Someone wants to sack Silvermoon!”

Yeah, it was called the Blizzard alpha.

I’d honestly like to see the day where it’s decoupled.

Just let Alliance Players be. Ask for your own Horde stuff.


Are the eye colors really that big of a deal, I mean, was it Alleria who was originally written as having naturally green eyes? So it’s not like it has to mean fel, and even if it does, it can also work to show a blood elf background, or one who went to Outland with Alleria and got exposed to the ambient fel there.

But I tend to think that we as players make put way more stock into the significance of those eye colors than the elves do.


It’s like goldy or bronzy, but made out of iron.


The eye color is only a big deal to me personally in terms of fairness. They gave blue as a return for the entirety of non void skin tones / non void theme for Void Elves. I personally can’t support green eyes for Void Elves on the very account I am tired of disproportionate sharing.

In contents of players when it comes to BE/VE, it shows what magic has more dominance for the player charecter now. If we had natural HE I wouldn’t oppose it because HE would have more closer to natural eyes then BE, but it is not the case anymore.

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Outside of just development time I’m honestly surprised that we didn’t get some High Elf, normal eyes.


If only it were that simple.

I can understand how Blood Elves and Void Elves sharing the same exact body model, and Void Elves now also getting all the Blood Elf skin tones, without sharing anything in return (for now anyway), makes it difficult for players to simply ask for what they want on Blood Elves when they feel like they got a raw deal both on their customization pass, and with sharing their all skins but not getting anything but blue eyes in return. Blue eyes they feel were theirs anyway and didn’t actually come from Void Elves (which is a fair way to look at it IMO).

The only real way I can see to assuage those upset by current state of things is by adding the Darkfallen aesthetic options to Blood Elves so they have a second theme, and sharing Void Elf hairstyles (and perhaps hair colors too) with Blood Elves.

Outside of that, there’s always the popular requests for scars and tattoos (far strider and runic). But having Void Elves share some of their unique aesthetics will make at least a few people feel a bit better about Blood Elves sharing their skin tones.

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Fair enough. For me eye color is a really minor aspect of customization, and so the bother is more that they traded the big deal of skin tones for an eye color that is gonna be covered up a lot, or just not apparently until you get close. I just don’t put much value on them as anything more than a minor touch.

In which context are we talking about? Dark ranger themes belongs to the forsaken as it should be.

Besides we don’t want to go into undead paladin arguements here…

I really feel like that goes back to not knowing what Blood Elves are.

I’m not saying that there aren’t people who don’t think that way. But, blue eyes were repping Alliance High Elves for the longest time. When Blood Elf players started to ask for it, it just seemed like trolling to me and I don’t think thematically it fits at all still.

Blood Elves got those green eyes. They got their holy well now and they’re turning Gold and that’s the way WoW has been cruising. That’s tough on a customization expansion though when you’re like, “look, the color of your characters eyes is really based on where the story is going.” so that’s tough. It’s been such a major Warcraft thematic element for so long it’s a pretty big impasse.

Eh? Then don’t Blood Elves have three themes?

You can’t do that if the entire argument is about fairness.

Eh. The Forsaken versus Blood Elf thing is a bizarre argument. It doesn’t really matter. They’re both Horde. If you’ve got infighting between Forsaken players and Blood Elf players thats really something to just ignore from a development stand point.

I think BE should get tattoo options to subsidize the skin color problem, obviously they should get more tat’s then a VE should get since VE are mostly magisters.

No they don’t and you know that. Blood Elves have their main non void High Elven theme. Void Elves have Void and Non Void.

I’m not gonna even get into that with ya. I’m too tired and sick to argue about which race should get what options. Needless to say I think Blood Elves should get the Darkfallen aesthetic options that the NPC’s currently use. You disagree with that, I get it. We’ll remain at odds on that.

It’s a far simpler thing to enable the NPC options on Blood Elves than it is to rig up a secondary model for the Forsaken race to choose from. That’s why I’m a proponent of just enabling the options for Blood Elves. It’s simple and it works without needless under the hood systems being created to make it work like trying to put it on the Forsaken would.