Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

just messing around it’s the combination of two hairstyles made into one.


we already had the white hair

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You live!!

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It’s not the same as the DK one.

You had a very pale blonde. This one was DK-only and is silver-white. It’s Vereesa’s hair, blood elf players (except DKs) couldn’t use it.


well alamara is right after hopping onto ptr. there is a slight difference between the new and old white color but the blue colors are a new flavor imo. not my thing but happy for those that wanted a blood elf with this color

Kind of hoping dks get some new customisation after losing our exclusive ones.


you would think they would have opened up red and green eye color with the release of their hair colors

theres literally npc dks standing around in acherus with these colors


They are flexing on me, their commander.


I have to agree here. Green and Red eyes were obvious options for DK’s and I hope that they end up being added during Shadowlands sooner rather than later.


I’d like to see Death Knights get the Cult of the Damned skin tone/tattoos that Thassarian has.


No I actually remember blood elves having a white hair color. They have one dark blonde, a lighter blonde, platinum blonde and a white hair color. Dk though had a more silver white one.

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Their old “white” color is a very pale blonde, you can notice the slightly golden tone on it. The “new” DK hair has a bluish tone, giving it a silvery look.


I dunno if i can say this here… and i really hope no one gets mad at me…

i was playing around with the new void elf/blood elf customizations on the ptr.
I am the sort that has to try them all…make sure every option got chosen lol.

so of course at the end you have the darker skin tone options, so i tried them all to. With all the eye/hair/face etc etc options. At some point in the process i was staring at this beautiful chocolate blood elf. Even had to show my husband.

Anyhow i think i might have to make me a darker skinned blood elf or void elf. they just turn out looking so amazingly awesome.


Is the light purple available to all nelf classes now as well?

Yep. All 5 DK colors are available for all classes and genders.

Nelves went from 8 hair colors to 17!


The other day I checked out the dk haircolors for blood elves and didn’t realize they had 3 more color options than the rest of us. lol They’re kind of pastel colored and reminded me of Hyper’s images that she’s posted here before.


I checked to see it and you were right a thousand apologies. With certain hairstyles it seemed like white hair but on the roots you can def see the blonde color I never noticed that: so in the end they have golden,blonde,platinum blonde and very light blonde.


That makes me super happy!


I don’t understand where you are figuring this so I made a chart.

As you can see in BFA every core race other than Undead which have no new option, Night Elves which get 5 new options, and our unlucky furred friends which don’t seem to get hair option. Every other race has 3 new options. Blood Elves do not have 3 more then the rest They have 3 like everyone else.

In Shadowlands with the opening of DK hair colors Blood Elves go from 10-16 which is fewer then Human, Night Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, Undead, and Goblin. The only races other then Allied and our unlucky Furred friends that have less are Draenei, and Orcs. So I’m confused as to how you figure Blood Elves get three more options then the rest.