Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Hey, me too! My main is Horde, and in fact isn’t even an elf haha.

(This is Somand)


Hell Fezzy isn’t even my main this expac… lol

It was a human pally. lol

I play my blood elf Kyuu, and my Troll Rezgolka the most. Though I’ve been rather enjoying my new Zandalari druid of late. Then theres my orc Shaman Dakrammith, Vidris my nightborne Warlock… I have too many characters.


I’ll probably go with my nelf Druid to start in Shadowlands, but I’ll continue to play both factions and I’m betting Taur’s gonna remain my Horde main.


For Shadowlands I’m gonna try to stick with Fezzy. Though I refuse to be anything but feral and I have some concerns about how easy it’ll be to use him… at least at first.

We’ll see. Might end up on the pally again. They’re just so easy. Maybe my Mechagnome hunter… rather enjoy him too.


I can’t decide between maining my Velf priest or Nelf priest in Shadowlands :sob: I want to do Ardenweald so Nelf makes the most sense but I’ve invested so much time into my Velf already and fallen in love with her :pensive: I leveled both to 120 this expac just so I could have the choice between them lmao

And then I have a Velf Mage and Velf Lock who are max level and a Nelf Druid at 120…

Oh and a third max level priest that’s a Belf…and a Belf pally…and NB mage…

I realllly hope Shadowlands is as alt-friendly as they claim >.> otherwise I am screwed

No, Final Fantasy has the issue of “same face” syndrome even more than WoW since certain face customizations are locked to specific face types (so if you want a beard on your character, you will have to pick the specific face that has a beard option). And there are only four faces.

They haven’t really done anything notably Alt friendly sadly.

Just some more of their shortcuts made more accessible.

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My mage was my first and only character for like ever, mostly because I go back and forth to SWTOR, he’s always been a BE but he’s a VE right now… I think I’ll change him back though just for reasons :heart:

He can be my one to use blue eyes from the BE customization, might as well since its kinda the only thing they gave BE’s in this sharing situation.

But I’m more keen on Lann, though all my characters use a Lannister naming pattern but this Lann specifically I mean lol. This is the main Lann, the beginning and the end, the rightful Lann.

I did see something the other day about Void Elves getting the same dialogue as BE’s from Kael, so thats nice if I were to keep my mage a VE but I’m so indecisive like that.


Really hoping they would give blood elfs void elf hair (without the void glow) since void elfs are getting everything blood elfs have


Then Void Elfs get your hair styles and colors too, right?

Since Void Elfs are getting everything Blood Elfs have?

I’m all for sharing hair assets but it’s a 2 way street :hugs:


And do tell us the second visual theme and assets VE’s have so far shared since its a two way street. I am curious.


I agree. Plus I also think that Void Elves should atleast have Short Ears, Have some Blood Elf Hairstyles since almost half of the Silver Covenant has Blood Elf Hairstyles with Brown, White, and Blonde Hair Colors, Hair Colors of Pure Colors, Tattoos, and etc.

Having a Blueberry Ranger with Tattoos would add some to those who are Diehard Alliance Warcraft 2 Fans. Blood Elves on the other hand maybe but noone wants to be forced to play a race if that set race has abandoned parts of their themes from Warcraft 2.

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For sure I think mashing them together would be cool it would make alliance and horde happy and that’s how everyone wins


Honestly I’m on board for this one too.

Half elves would be something a lot of Alliance players want and that could give em a way to do it.

I like the idea of using Kul’tiran hair colors and textures.

If velfs and belfs get farstrider tattoos my belf Ranger and my Velf one will have them.

Both should get the Farstrider tattoos. And honestly any other tattoos should be shared as well… The two groups haven’t been gone from each other long enough to warrant any differentiation.


Idk Blood Elves have already shared a visual theme in the entirety of the skintones.

They can give VEs KT hair or human hair or any plethora of Alliance hair already existing. And still give Blood Elves VE hair with no BE hair going to VEs.


Like a Huge Ponytail for example like Valeera has or other game characters like Akali from League, Nova from StarCraft, and other unique hairstyles that I think Void Elves would get.


And this right here is my argument for Blood Elf Druids. We were at Nordrassil when Ysera offered the pact to the first druids. In the Chronicles it states Blood Elves still retain a connection to nature. Even with all the retcons I still think Blizz could just state that there have been Sin’dorei druids as a sect of the Farstriders kept hidden from the Magisters and the rest of the Sin’dorei as it was looked down upon. But the destruction of the Helm of Domination and the resurgence of the scourge threat they have been awakened from their slumber in the dream to aid their people in this dark hour.


But the most desired second theme (Undead Elves) doesn’t really have much to do with the Void Elves, as they themselves only have the BE DK skins.

The main problem here now is that there are a sizable amount of people trying to have Undead Elves implemented under Forsaken rather than Blood Elves via a model toggle. This being said, I don’t think the Void Elves need to get shafted as many Void Elf players support the Dark Rangers as a Blood Elf cosmetic and aren’t contesting the option going to Blood Elves.

Blood Elves also have a much larger pool of cosmetic options to draw on than Void Elves likely ever will, so it’s not right to try to shaft them in that regard either.

This all being said, I still support a second theme for Blood Elves and a full hair swap, or at least where Void Elves get a few that are already available on the Alliance.

This is the way things should have been from the start. It was crappy implementation, which is now being corrected as far as the Void Elves are concerned.

I did list a few of my picks a little farther up in the thread, which includes a few the Blood Elves and Humans share, I’m not too concerned about any other Blood Elf hairstyles aside from these, as there should still be some difference. Conversely I do support some Void Elf hairstyles being ported to Blood Elves, as they would look stunning.


I didn’t mean to suggest they were related. My point was it was suggested for Blood Elves to receive Void Elf hairstyles further sharing needs to be done or supported from Blood Elves to Void Elves… my point is the sharing has already felt one way so Blood Elves should and could get VE hairstyles with nothing being shared back to Void Elves because… VE’s have already been on the receiving end of a very generous haul that involved Blood Elves sharing and receiving … what for it?

Whether BE’s get VE hair and VE’s get Kul Tiran hair or human etc wasn’t my point of contention either. It was that

Blood Elves have already shared more than enough. VE hair coming from Kultiran styles etc is cool. That has nothing to do with BE’s receiving VE hair nor should the idea BE’s should “share” when they aren’t the group thats been not sharing.

They shared the BE skin tones and Void Elves literally paid the Blood Elves dust, we got an eye color any suggestion for VE hair on BE’s shouldn’t come with “lol and we want your hair to hehe<3”



even though its obvious, guess ill just say it again. void elves are individuals who pursued a particular type of power, were transformed by it, and have become an existential threat to their people. if they cared about their heritage or the well being of their entire race they wouldnt have become a void elf

then they shouldnt have pursued a magic that is taboo for their people. they are void elves forever now. they can be their own thing. if you want to play an elf warped by dark magic thats your choice and youre limited to those options. blood/void elves should be their own thing

id be surprised if you answer this but if blizzard gave blood elves farstrider tattoos why do we need an identical option for void elves again?

yet fezzy has more progress/ilvl then kyuu or rezgolka

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