Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Based on the wording in his tweet, I would assume so.

in Shadowlands, hair colors that were previously class-restricted will be available to the entirety of a given race.

Argh! They could at least give the DK colors to Velves! It would at least contemplate the white hair color.


The belf DK hair colours wouldn’t work on the velf hair styles. They use different textures.

Oh, yeah you’re right… Forgot the whole texture thing. The tentacles would look really weird.

Weirdly the Kul Tiran colours work as is on velves, as was shown by Talendrion. If they were to go with the option of least work (not counting no new colours of course), I’d imagine they’d give us those.


They do? I thought Talendrius edited the textures before porting them? :thinking:

Reason is, the tentacle texture is built in the hair texture, as well as the tentacle rings… I wouldn’t imagine KT styles would have them

The Kul Tiran ones are nice! Personal preference that is my favorite route!


I’m not sure. He mentioned the texture was the same in his post.


Blue Hair for Humans? Now I can be a Blue Hair Human!

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I’d prefer having BOTH Tattoos/Warpaint & runes if we could. But at the end of the day i don’t find WC2/Alleria style Warpaint/Tattoos to be “Boring.” A lot of people like that aesthetic. It may be an old theme but that doesn’t mean it’s bad or uninteresting.


If Blizzard started added in Red Hair Colors and Orange for Void Elves but mostly Red. That would be awesome to have since I happened to love redheads.

Because it matches with everything i’m wearing? lol

Yes, every race that has DK (or DH) hair.

deleting void elves was a rhetorical statement

they are not the same people or race. void elves have gone through a transformative process, meaning they are no longer blood elves. they have no connection to the sunwell or their homeland(as they are now kill on sight) or the farstriders

farstrider type tattoos are the most appropriate style of tattoo for the blood elves and it should be provided as a customization option for them only. it would be reflective of their wc2 heritage. it doesnt matter if a void elf is an ex farstrider, they have forsaken what it meant to be a blood elf and have no right to represent blood elven culture

if you want the fantasy of a blood elf farstrider then play the faction and race it belongs to

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I was looking and on live right now Blood Elf Demon Hunters do not have a black hair color that is special to just them. They have the same 10 colors used by all the other classes. Night Elf Demon Hunters have black as a new DH color. Is this color locked behind a certain face, skin combination? I tried looking on the wowhead dressingroom for it as well, but the Dressing room is seriously bugged on my computer.

Oh my.


I am rather well aware. lol At least I hope you’re not foolish enough to think that would happen.

They’re still the same people. They just have void stuff now. They still came from the same place. They’re not gonna forget their culture just because.

Both of these groups of elves are all tied directly to the WCII era elves and since Void Elves clearly still lean on their rangers there is absolutely no reason they would not keep up the act of tattooing.

Especially since Alleria has them.

I do. I have a void elf ranger. :stuck_out_tongue: Rather love my Blueberry.

They came from the same place, they all have the same style of ranger, and Alleria has the tattoos.

Both Blood Elves and Void Elves should get Farstrider tattoos.


this is a non starter. makes as much sense as giving blood elves void elf skintones because they all come from the same place and are really just an extension of the blood elves. when the flat truth is void elves have severed themselves from their blood elf heritage and they ARENT an extension of blood elves but something new

void elves need their own unique stuff and the race shouldnt be held back from being something unique because you dislike playing the horde

No. Void Elves got their skin tone through a physical transformation. There isn’t anything physical preventing them from applying warpaint.

If only Blood Elves get tattoos, that’s fine. I’ll still be happy because my Blood Elves will be able to use them. But I do want them on my Void Elves too, so I’m gonna continue asking for them.


Why would Blood Elves have void skins? They were not infused with the Void.

Void Elves on the other hand have no reason to have just up and forgotten how to tattoo. And since there were rangers among them when they went through the change its also arguable that several would have had tattoos to begin with.

How so and In what ways? What evidence do you have for this?

Void Elves shouldn’t lose something tied to their heritage anymore than the blood elves should. Hence why both should get this.

… also I play the Horde a lot. In fact I have more high level Blood Elves than I do night elves or Void Elves combined. I just mostly post on Fezzy…