Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

People tend to hate on things that displease them. I’m fine with it, I’m just sad it’s all we’re getting.


Not gonna lie, I was let down by the lack of new hairstyles and I was kinda surprised notice that they didn’t give them any scar options either.

If they gave me gold glowing runes for blood elves and glowing purple runes for void elves, I would be super pleased lol.

Edit: I’d really love if the runes looked like the graphic from:

It would be new, interesting and something no other race has.


Hyper you can’t be serious? If you are this is just sickening. And I liked you too.

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Yeah, I was hoping for the one second from the right. It’s from male Blood Elves, and I’ve always wanted it on my female Blood Elves.

To be honest, I’d be ecstatic to get any skin markings on Thalassians (runes, tattoos, warpaint, it’s all good). Ranger style just happen to be my favourite.


I can see why - that hair style has SLAY written all over it and again, the little hair clip she has in there matches with my Robes of the Guardian Saint tmog so perfectly I can’t even stand it… It’s the little details, ya know? lol

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Don’t forget to add in Tattoos and Ear Options for the Void Elves.

There are some people who wanted Half Elves for years.


i also prefer void elves over humans, as i think human females have a weird run and their hands are too small. i am, however, considering a wildhammer dwarf. and already have a bunch of nelf, belf, draenei, lfd, formerly played gnomes who now run too much like toddlers, and a selection of humans, before the advent of velfs. also have some classic trolls. at one point, had a worgen, a panda, a goblin, a tauren and more than one dk.

edit: i’ve made more than one goblin just for their starter zone. their little cars and roads are fun

that style looks amazing on a belf female.

ear size is on there. didnt add tats because i was waiting for blizz to give belf tats.

I made a mockup of what would be possible if we’re allowed to mog each shoulder and glove separately, toggle hair display on under helms, and mog a leather chest piece on a Hunter.

Pieces I used to make the mockup The left shoulder (right of the image) is from the shoulders from the Legion Dungeon Mail set, available under various names such as Arcane Exterminator's Shoulderguards.

The right shoulder and right glove (left of the image), legs and boots are the Raid Finder colour of the Eagletalon set. The helm and cape are from the Heroic colour of Eagletalon. The eye glow is caused by the hood.

The left glove (right of the picture) is the Normal mode colour of Kvaldir Exult’s Grips (also available as part of the Chains of the Chosen Dead set).

The chest is the Heroic colour of Spirebreaker Harness.

The belt is Wild Combatant’s Waistguard on the Alliance, or Warmongering Combatant’s Waistguard if Horde.

The tabard is the Warden’s Tabard.

And the quiver is from the hidden appearance of Thas’dorah.


I know them by Thundercrush Pauldrons, and I’m officially addicted to using them on almost every mail character I have because of how good they look.


that is a niiice tabard.

edit - hey is that gem on the tabard part of the chestpiece?

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I’ve seen many a mail user wearing them in the forums. They are some of the nicest looking shoulder pads in the game. Sadly they don’t look quite as good on female Thalassians, because they become so small, but still good looking.

Yes! I had seen people using it before, so I looked it up and on its Wowhead page I found an image of a belf wearing it, which inspired both the current mog I’m wearing and the design for the mockup I just did.

This was the image from Wowhead:


Yes it is. The gems from the Spirebreaker Harness / Xuen’s Tunic / Cruel Gladiator’s Ironskin Tunic all display over tabards. My Rogue here is wearing the one I used in the mockup.

she looks cool, too. is there a mail version? or just for mog leather?

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Sadly just for leather. And the Cruel Gladiator’s Ironskin Tunic colour is Monk only, and the orange tattoos it comes with are Alliance only.

The Horde version has silver tattoos like the Normal mode version of Spirebreaker / Xuen’s.

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huh have you tested all the mail chests to see if any of them will show thru the tabard? thats a cool trick

No, I stumbled upon this one by accident lol. I was actually after the tattoos it came with.

But I do know the pre-order chespiece for Shadowlands has a similar effect with its armoured plating.

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Omg you have the nerve of wearing a belt with that dress!!! :joy::joy::joy:

fashion :policewoman:

So, this will apply to every race? I mean, I’ll be able, as a human mage, to have the dark blue hair?