Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Some people don’t like their entire lore being boiled down to “is vain”.


I don’t understand what he’s trying to say. He’s telling me that high elves were never a high class/vain race but then he goes on to tell me that blood elves are high class/vain because that’s what high elves started out as?

It’s a little confusing.

If they still have that option for two eye colors at once Lann may finally have some fel influence seen, I forget the term but it would be one green and one golden eye.


I hope they aren’t done with Blood Elves, our customization is literally jewelry so I’m more than disappointed. Hopefully core races continue being prioritized.


Heterochromia! And why can’t I stop looking at this gif?


Yes! Lann was almost another Priest or Paladin so my personal choice for him was the golden eyes. I feel like he was very light oriented before being a warlock but I do like the option to have heterochromia!


Your very own words contradict this fact, so thanks but I´ll believe in this when irl pigs sprout wings and fly.

No you just said Belves = only concerned about vanity. Which is kinda the opposite stance as the last canon lore description of the race. Which implies you aren´t even up to date with the Belf lore, and know no better than the rando ignoramus that says stuff like “Belves have NO males”.

Not canon as per Before the Storm, dear. Stop basing your outlook of the race on the /silly they have.

Sorry, but I will NOT shut up from calling truths when it´s necessary. I don´t care if you feel “attacked”, fact is you support an IGNORANT and incorrect perception of the race -worse, one that plays perfectly on Blizz agenda of delivering mediocre stuff-, and I will call it if I have to.

/even more massive facepalm

I´m telling you actually the opposite -High elves WERE the vain airheads, after Zombie apocalypse, they are NOT so much as per the current lore-.

Well no wonder you don´t get the race, it´s evidently a reading comprehension problem (that or you´re trying -and failing- to play the cute naive airhead. Cause Somand got my point perfectly, and you somehow don´t? Suuuure…)


Especially since it’s not really accurate. Liadrin in Legion talks about how the Nightborne need the blood elves because the Nightborne aren’t hardened fighters like the blood elves. The blood elves seem to have a really militarised society.


Well man, that´s what happens when 90% of your population dies in quite the horrific manner. And thanks to being too vain, conceited and overconfident.

Arthas was such a massive wake up call for the current Belves it´s not even funny.


Oh awesome. More unnecessary insults! You know i’m totally down for debates but as soon as people start attacking my personal character I check out.

When you decide to not insult me in your responses (on a personal level at that),
and talk like an adult, I’ll happily have a debate with you :slight_smile:

Until then,

Lights out.

Edit: Also, nowhere did I tell you to “shut up”. I simply asked you to speak to me without personal insults and you couldn’t even do that (insulting my reading comprehension and calling me an air head? Really classy).

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You’re customizations are nothing as males

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Don´t despair, I won´t waste my time with someone that clearly lacks either the will or the awareness to have an actual HONEST conversation.

An actual gain for me tbqh.

Well, when you have people perfectly ok with asking rando stuff unrelated to the race because superficial reasons, this is NO wonder.

Maybe devs will completely remove the male model cause you know, “Belves have NO males” and all that? /sarcasm

the void elves have all of our new and old skin colors and all new eye colors and we do not receive anything in exchange for the alliance customizations.

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if theyre the same people then just play a blood elf and we can delete void elves


If Blizzard ever deletes a race, the game will die.


High elf on the Alliance using night elf customization

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Nope, they didn’t have DK hair colors to begin with.

None of the AR DKs did.

People are hatin’ on the blood elf customizations but I’ve gotta say that so far every race I play, the new options seem to match all of my transmogs in a very amazing way…lol

I wish I could turn on the blazing wings toy but it won’t let me us it on the PTR for whatever reason.

As y’all can see, I’m all about the new jewelry.

Although, there definitely could be more!

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We’re dealing in realities here.

Blizzard will not be removing any race.

Nor would it work as you suggest. They came from the same place and have the same origins but they’re different factions of that group.

High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves are all parts of the Thalassian Elf race.

The only differences between them are generally political, minorly cultural and, in the case of Void Elves, a significant infusion of Void essence.

To date both Blood and High Elves have shown that they still carry the Farstrider culture through, while we see plenty of Void Elven rangers as well. So there is no reason to think that all three versions of Thalassian elf would not have farstrider Tattoos.