Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

You have Level 3, and you’re not even going to post it for her? Come on.


Oh damn your right…It’s new to me and I keep forgetting lol.

Now, imagine a void elf with purple skin and some dark, glowy runes on her face… UGH it would be so good.


gimme white silver hair, purple npc eyes, and i’m there. though i’d go with the dark brown skin and the glowy runes.

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Ranger markings provide a great contrast when in Void form. Alleria’s even change colour.

Here’s it against the not ranger, but similar looking tattoos provided by Cruel Gladiator’s Ironskin Tunic on my Monk.


Can I have a full beard? Plz. :weary:

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I find myself wondering why my hunter uses focus and not mana seeing as how she uses magic.

Farstrider and Runic tattoos for Void, Blood and High Elves.

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You know, with DK and DH hair colors no longer being class-restricted, night elves got whooping 9 new colors (3 new + 3 DK + 2 DK opposite gender + 1 DH):

  • 3 black colors (1 new, 1 DH, 1 DK)
  • Orange-blonde (new)
  • Dark purple (new)
  • Pink (female DK)
  • Purple (female DK)
  • Dark faded green (DK both genders)
  • Lilac (male DK)

Blood elves got 7 new colors (3 new + 3 DK + 1 DH):

  • 3 shades of black (2 new + 1 DH)
  • brown (new)
  • Silver (DK)
  • Blue (DK)
  • Light blue (DK)

A pretty good deal for both. It’s funny that neither had a proper black hair color before, now they have 3 each. Blood elves were really lacking the silver hair. Night elves also lacked the reddish tones, now they have 3.

Because magic is minor for them, their spells are pretty limited. They are primarily combatants that require attention and precision.


did nightborne get new colors?

for blood knight you only need tattoos similar to those of the LF draenei

idk. thats like stealing a theme from the alliance and the LF. never really seen light themed tattoos outside of them. not too dissimilar from void elves trying to steal the blood elf farstrider fantasy from wc2

Is Alleria a Void Elf? According to the devs she is.

Does she sport tattoos? Yes she does.

Then asking for tattoos like Alleria’s for Void Elves isn’t “stealing” anything.


alleria is a single ex farstrider. youre not lifting an entire cultural theme from the blood elves because of alleria


Alleria is also a Void Elf.


Literally. I would loathe any customization that implies Belf Blood Knights = Lightforged cause of the wrong message it sends (no, Sunwell is NOT lightforging the Belves, for the love of God people consult the freaking lore before asking for rando stuff).

Frankly, the more “specialized” people wants the customization, the less coherent it comes. Less is deffinitely more in regards to customizations. Why? Easy, because it´s not about how “pretty” it looks -pretty is a subjective concept-, it´s about the message it carries, and that message SHOULD reinforce the identity and lore of the race, not dilute it into a bland pool of averageness common to several races unrelated between them (ergo why the jewerly is such a fail abomination; cause it doesn´t expand onto the actual lore surrounding the Belves but actually it´s based into the common minconceptions of the players regarding the race, for example:

  1. Trial of Style is gameplay BS, NOT lore related one. As a matter of fact Golden in her last novel (BtS) described the Belves as people much grimmer and bitter than they were before the calamities that befell Quel´thalas. Heck, apparently while they still enjoy comforts, they now consider pompous ceremonies and mock battles distasteful in the wake of the tragedies they have had to overcome. Which makes their “hosting” of the Trial of Style a literal slap in the face on the Belf characterization and identity as per the lore.

  2. Taking into account the previous point, the implementation of only jewerly for the Belves -something that is used by people as a display of wealth and vanity- a second slap in the face on their characterization and identity.

Runic tattoos make sense IF we take into account they can be easily justified in the lore, not as a display of beauty, but as a pragmatic tool the elves can use to help themselves in battle by proxy of containment of magic/spells to be used ASAP by the individual carrying the tattoo -an aproximation the RPG apparently had-. I don´t like Warpaint justified using Alleria, I would accept it if Blizzard retroactively puts it onto BELF PROPER Farstrider NPCs and justifies it either as the result of cultural exchange with other Horde races (DK Trolls, Orcs, HM Tauren) OR the ancient remanent lasting from their Nelf Highborne days (I mean, Nelves DO use tattos similar to warpaint, and Belves were Nelves at some point).


Ugh… The red eyes are too characteristic to pass out.

At least the Legion hunter hood have glowing red eyes effect.

Okay but runes still make more sense to me. Especially with the majority of blood elves being of magical nature and as much as you try to spin it… they are pretty much lightforged at this point and that seems to be the direction of their story.

Christie Golden can write whatever she wants but historically blood elves have been fashionable/elegant etc. So no, it’s not a slap in the face whatsoever. I love their look and I love the idea of a snobby high class elf.

Blood elves have always been super fashionable/elegant/against nature type things. They pretty much made silvermoon perpetually fall just because it looks pretty.

Not only do runes make sense but the fact that they ARE beautiful would make most blood elves want them. They love beautiful things and they’re all about vanity.


I repeat: stop taking the BShtting misconceptions of rando players as canon lore. Sunwell is merely half light, and golden eyes are NOT a symptom of “light from Sunwell infusing the elves” but as a manifestation of ANY INDIVIDUAL BELF worship of the light. Ergo, reason why it is NOT a massive characteristic affecting ALL Belves regardless of their profession, but only seen in worshippers of the light like the Paladins and the Priest.

Actually, those were the High Elves -which is hilarious when we consider the rando Helfer believes their fav “race” to be less “vain and conceited” than Belves. Jokes on them, lore literaslly contradicts this notion, period.-

/massive facepalm

And then people like me -who likes the race because of their lore not because they look like a Barbie- wonder why the devs didn´t consider relevant giving runic tattoos nor scars nor anything that didn´t scream “but muh VANITYYYY!!!” on the Belf customization; when their supposed “fans” can´t bother themselves with actually KNOWING the race but merely consuming the /silly and the ignorance running rampant on the forums surrounding the race.

My precious post literally passed over your head. And imho someone that doesn´t even has the decency of getting to know the race certainly has NO right to make demands over it. Thanks to people like you is that Belf customization is such a dissapointing pile of garbage.


Void elves came from Blood elves who are those elves.

Both groups should get the Farstrider tattoos.

They’re the people.



lol I’ve been a Blood Elf before this for years. I know the lore of their race thanks.

Where did I say the Sunwell is made up of just holy energy? I know that it’s made up of both Arcane and Holy. You seem to be making up stuff I never said but alright.

I never said anywhere that Blood Elves were less or more conceited or more vain than high elves?

I said that blood elves were known to be vain/high class and if this was the case before they were blood elves, i’m not understanding your point? If high elves were always high class like you said they were, then would it not make more sense for them to get runes instead of tattoos?

And you are getting entirely too angry and you seem to be making this personal. Please try to refrain from saying things like “Its people like you”. I have not once gone after anyones character so let’s not shrink down to that level, shall we?