Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

If you say Venthyr women are unattractive because XYZ you can’t then turn around and act surprised that people take it as you find feature XYZ unattractive in real women.

Also the trying to appeal to LGBT due to looking like men stuff was just… gross dude.

I’m not discussing this further.


so from here on out, no blizz female characters can be criticized unless their basic, and then its okay?

there are no people on this planet that look like the female venthyr and for the same reason my friend prefers to play male characters for their masculine characteristics, though she’s female in real life, i prefer to play female characters that exhibit feminine characteristics. if she can elect what she perceives to be masculine, why cant i do the same? seems a bit unfair. maybe she will like female venthyr and if so, then the model is not wasted. but if its supposed to appeal to basic people like me, prolly not and the resources were squandered. except for the walk. that strut is glorious.

They are still different in combat. Void elves have their racial/void form which actually procs every minute in combat and lasts 12 secs. Don’t worry void elves will be more noticeable if they have the fair skin and then void form procs.

hey didya hear the good news?

What good news?

dk hair is now available to non dks in shadowlands


Yesssssss I heard finally

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so one problem solved. whats up next? jewelry and jewelry colors?

It would be amazing but I doubt it. I doubt they will add any new options anytime soon.

This is mostly your opinion on it.

Also none of this matters to what I was saying.

Which is a problem. The core race is Horde. It is what it is.

All doubles are on their respective factions.

Only the night elf and blood elf models cross over.

Which can easily be supplied through Void Elves as customization.


i wouldnt mind velf jewelry, not belf jewelry specifically. like many races are getting jewelry. i just bring it up in conversations to outline how velfs havent been worked on extensively. in fact, we might not receive anything else. by giving us belf skin colors, they doubled the amount of faces and skin colors we had. i didnt count it up, but devs may be done with us other than to give us velf underwear

TBH - I don’t think it makes sense thematically for blood elves or void elves to have any kind of tribal or war paint.

Blood Elves/Void Elves are pretty high class/fancy/booshy and would most likely view war paints as savage/beneath them (cmon guys, Blood Elves host the Trial of Style).

It would make more sense for them to have maybe some type of glowy runes on their body. The runes could look WAY cooler than warpaints, especially if they maybe figured out a glow effect or a way to have them floating? Just throwin’ ideas out here.

Well… Sin’dorei is divided up into the 3 factions for the most part. The Magisters, the Blood Knights, and the Farstriders. The warpaint/tattoos do make sense for the Farstriders to have these as it’s been a part of their culture since warcraft 2. Arcane tattoos would look correct on the Magisters, as Rommath has them and we see them on the Burning Crusader box art. The Blood Knights are the only ones I can think of that do not have any note worthy examples of tattoos.

Honestly if the tattoo options were like the Nightborne tattoos where they shimmer, I could definitely see Magisters having those in arcane runes. Then the warpaint style for the Farstriders.


Thalassians had warpaint back in Warcraft 2, so it’s part of their culture.

There’s also Alleria, who’s literally sporting ranger markings in game.

Both Blood Elves and Void Elves should get access.


You guys would rather boring tribal tattoos instead of interesting-glowy runes?

Naw, I can’t see much of the blood elves/void elves wanting tribal tattoos other than maybe the Farstriders but even they use magic too so it’s not like runes on a hunter wouldn’t make sense.,h_836,q_75,strp/blood_knight_portrait_by_lakengubben-d6sqb28.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi83Nzg4YjFmMi05M2M1LTRiM2YtODg1My1iMmJlYTg5M2YzMGUvZDZzcWIyOC0yZDQ2M2VjNi05ZGM1LTQ3MjctYTdhOC1jMGM1OWVmYjdkNTYuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTk1NiIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODM2In1dXX0.FtsJX--syV8Ie_ZnmZkOuaqU_RPburR7-mAOwkchir8


They could do both. I made a mockup for Void themed tattoos on Void Elves.


love that electric blue

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Yes! Something like this would be WAY better than tattoos or war paint! Elves are supposed to be WoWs super magical rac. We should be asking for more stuff like that instead of boring tattoos/tribal paints.

I would love if they gave us some kind of glowy-foredhead rune like the Draenei racial - but we all know that’ll never happen lol.