Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

That doesn’t seem to be happening for anyone at this time.

I wouldn’t mind if Void elves got lighter color hair options but that they had a voidishness to them. Blonde hair with streaks of void tentacles, for instance.

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I think most of the complaining has been from the alliance as horde has wanted maghar orcs for a long time. I think adding the San’layn would be that tit for tat option… They are just another blood elf model rig redone. As far as development time, considering the model has all the animations in already its a huge cost savings.

As far as player retention though adding customizations doesn’t inspire people to level new classes or pay for race changes and boosts. Whereas new Allied Races do this from a cost efficient POV. The amount of work that went into Vulpera was quite a bit and it was a goblin rig. I don’t think they’d have to put as much into San’layn similar to adding Mechagnomes.

I mean as long as they don’t make the Nightborne debacle again with customization options I don’t think they’ll have an issue.

Would love to see males get body jewelry/earrings and magic rune tattoos. Blood elves are the original magic addicts. Sunwell is restored so it would be cool to have some cool effects added to them as well.


sanlayn if we talk about the model blood queen and blood prince are night elves model

I didn’t get that from what Hyper was saying.
Maybe she doesn’t always convey exactly what she’s thinking. I could be wrong but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe light colors but make them ombre. Example instead of white hair, give void elves white to blue. Then the white hair stays unique to blood elves.


Yeah, I would love it if we could keep some amount of differentiation between the races.

Idk but its an old discussion at this point. i put out my feelings and Hyper put out hers. I still appreciate everyone in this thread.

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Blood Queen Lana’thel is a female blood elf model.

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I actually agree with you here. I want the same thing. Maybe not in precisely the same way you do, but I too would like some differentiation between Blood and void Elves.


ok…hope that’s behind us all now.

Ok so now that we know we can use the DK hair colors for all classes check out the dark troll skin + DK purple hair combo.

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What kind of death knight leaves their torso unarmoured?

The Maiden of Mayhem will not accept such carelessness when she is finally available to me.


Which they added in order to avoid giving us high elves (and as part of a weird ying/yang light/void thing they were doing where strangely both sides of it ended up on one faction) and probably to give themselves that exact argument. Funnily enough the addition of void elves blew away their long-time excuse that there simply weren’t enough High Elves left to make a playable race but magically that tune changed for a race that makes up a fraction of a decimated fraction of a people who made some odd choices. In other words there never was a real reason outside of the designers simply not wanting to, it wouldn’t destroy lore or throw open any dangerous doors of precedent.

Basically it’s only odd if you consider it problematic for the Alliance to have one more type of high elf bodied race to it than horde. Other allied races already mean you have things like two types of orcs, two types of dwarves. And from a lore perspective that’s simply not the case. The existing high elves have long cast their lot with the alliance from BC to Wrath and onward and the void elves ended up with alliance because of being kicked out by the blood elves.

My troll is gonna be a druid but right now the dressing room will only let me use that hairstyle with DKs.

Just the hairstyle or the colour?

There’s a druid with the hairstyle, but the colour seems to be DK only [laughs in Midnight Aristocracy]

Oh I meant color.

For Void Elves I would like to port Human styles 21-23, Draenei style 8, Kul Tiran style 9, Night Elf styles 1, 10, 14 and 20, as well as a proper bun.

A couple of these did originate from the Horde, but have been available on the Alliance for a long time.

As far as colors go, Hyper did whip up some good colors pretty close to what I would prefer, with the light blue and light pink, along with a nice violet tinged white, as seen here;

Aside from these the Kul Tiran color pallete would work fine for Void Elves.

A tentacle toggle would of course be welcome as well as a starry/dark color option for both their hair and body.

And aside from Blonde hair and fair tones, this look is primarily everything I’ve wanted for Void Elves;,h_923,q_80,strp/shadowlands_void_elf_hair_customization_by_eluvianna_de2pr97-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05MjMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9hMGU2YWM5MC00YzY3LTRkOWEtYWRkYi02NGRlN2I1ZTlkMzhcL2RlMnByOTctOTNhNzJjMDQtNzE2Zi00MzJiLWJlZTYtOWI5ZjA0ZjkyN2IyLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.EKM4JfM616LDte48FKvwzYyE0W42eaNvmxew-jt6mGE


the venthyr are an alien species. pretending like criticism of the art used for their females is akin to criticism of actual people, is ridiculous. what if the artist decided to give them big flippers for feet. can i express my criticism of how no one will play the females without it being shuffled into a real life politics? no actual women have hands the size of venthyr females. no actual men have hands the size of venthyr females. on top of that, they dont look like people, though we’re supposed to pretend they are. this is like being mad that i said scooby doo’s not a good candidate as a worgen female model.