Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the Darkfallen aesthetics for Blood Elves actually happens. I want them for my own Blood Elves and I know many others including Lannisterian wants them too.


there are people who wont settle for anything less then an unmodified blood elf for their preferred faction

It might surprise you to hear this, but I am not one of those people.


I am going to disagree here. Before VE was given to the alliance, there was allot of suggestions and requests that if HE was given to the alliance, for it to be in a form of a modified model. I even still feel that way now, espaically with the idea of requesting half-elves to be playable, though that is doubtfull will happen.

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I thank you for passing on the model toggle suggestion for forsaken. I think I will go on and suggest the LF model toggle to him.


I’m happy they’re listening. Hopefully that means we get some regular hair colors then soon.

I hope both Velves/Belves get Warpaint and Tattoo options. Though preferably if there was some differences in patterns or style but at the end of the day i’ll be happy if we get them regardless. Though if they had certain colors per faction to put emphasis on the difference between High Elves and Bloods i could see each having a few unique colors.

Void/High Elves: Blue (like Alleria), Purple, Void Color.

Blood Elves: Red, Orange, Yellow/Gold.

Neutral: Green, White, Black.


I want Darkfallen/San’layn as an Allied Race, not a customization though. They are way to unique to be a customization. Lana’thel and Tha’lena have wings! Their abilities, racials, and powers are far beyond a customization option.


It would be neat to see Void Elves get the black empire symbols as tattoos instead of Farstrider. Play more into the void aspect of them and make them more unique.


I’d prefer that as well… but I don’t think that’s the design direction Blizzard is going with now. I admit I could be totally wrong, but I don’t see Blizzard adding yet another Thalassian derivative allied race when they seem to be going with adding derivatives as customization options.

Adding San’layn as an allied race would also necessitate adding an allied race to the Alliance. That’s just more work to do.

I’m not saying to stop asking for the allied race… but I think asking for them as customization options has a better chance of actually getting something.


Considering that VE stands against what the black empire stands for, even though they are in the same magic chart part, I don’t think they would don the black empire symbols.

Now void glowy runes I can get with.


That could be interesting, but i still think Void Elves should get Farstrider style tattoos/markings. Alleria has them after all and these are supposed to be High Elf aesthetics. But more options the better for both elves i say.

I do too. But sadly i don’t see it happening in the allied race format. Same thing with Alliance High Elves being their own standalone thing.

I said this before but i think the next phase of new races is going to be some form of a Sub Race system.

i.e: something like Wildhammer Dwarves being a “Subrace” of Dwarves. But selecting Wildhammer would have some different class options. Maybe restricting something such as Warlocks/Paladins but gaining Druids. Also gaining some unique racials that fit Wildhammers.

If we get a system like that then perhaps San’Layn/Darkfallen could be a “Sub Race” to either the Forsaken or the Blood Elves. In that scenario they’d be able to get their own heritage armor (potentially) as well as proper fitting racials.


I just don’t see any of the Shadowlands races being added as ARs and when we do return to Shadowlands many things could’ve happened.

Given that the San’layn were offered a spot in the horde already and they have ties to the Sin’dorei with somewhat a control of the undead they would be great assets. I could see the Vykrul finally being given to the Alliance as they are the protohumans or finally adding the Jinyu/Ankoan as full fledged members of the Alliance.

Customizations I think should just remain cosmetic and not adding unique races to other races. No offense to Wildhammer Dwarves or Sandtrolls but they aren’t a massive derivative of the core race they’ve been given too.

I think the San’layn are way to different to be a customization, whereas Dark Ranger options I could see as a customization.

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Hey thanks for saying it. I didn’t really want to go in swinging because I’m not a woman but it’s pretty uncool.

If Blizzard wants to do a real subrace selected tier options of races, I’m definitely interested in it. But until it happens I’ll still be pushing with Fallynn for a San’layn allied race.


the void elves and blood elves are almost indistinguishable in some cases

I agree with all your logic. I really do. I’m just looking at it from a development point of view. It’s easier and cheaper to add customizations and it also opens player options up tremendously to have a lot of options on fewer races rather than continuing to add more races each with only a few customization options.

Many players complained about the Highmountain and Lightforged being allied races rather than customizations. And rightfully so IMO. I think Blizzard too comments in that regard to heart and also saw how derivative allied races could spread the customization love too thin.

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I think the best thing to do is keep adding options that do distinguish them. For example if you’re gonna give them tattoos, give the blood elves some tattoos that void elves can’t have. Give the void elves things like extra eyes or a starry effect for their hair… etc. All future Void elf hair styles should keep the goth theme and they should also get some goth-inspired makeup a la Siouxsie Sioux.


I got money on them adding the SLs races as ARs at the end of the xpac tbh.

Imo Venthyr will likely end up as our vampire race.


I want starry void eyes, how beautiful would that be? :relaxed:


light tattoos for blood elves, void tattoos for void elves. black and blue hair for void elves, some hairstyles with light effects for blood elves

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Interesting idea! making note of it.