Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I wish they would update the texture and looks of Blood Elf Hairstyles. It’s easy to see in this pick that out of the five races that Blood Elf Hair was the one they spent the least amount pf time on. It looks stiff and textureless. Like a blob slapped on her head and called hair.


Still hoping we get warpaint and farstrider tattoos for High/Voids. Even if it comes later i just want to see it.


Hopefully we will see sooner rather than later more hair color options for Void Elves, and certainly I am excited for Blood Elves getting warpaint/tattoos/scars -I really had hoped to see that already, but I still think will happen-


A lot of old textures could do with some up-ressing.


We really need the DK’s white hair for the void elves.


I agree 100% with that, there are many hairstyles that could really use an overhaul.

I agree, we also need black, blonde, brown…

(And red.)

That’s something that may never happen or may not happen until the allied races get a customization pass. I mentioned this earlier but Blood Elf hair textures are more problematic to share with Void Elves than the skin textures were.

The short and very simplified version is that hair model files look for specific info from hair texture files. Void Elf hairstyles are looking for info that doesn’t exist in the Blood Elf hair texture files. This results in display issues.

Blood Elf hair textures can be shared with Void Elves if Blizzard decides to go that route (they may not), but it would take actual time and effort invested to make it work properly and look right. It’s not as simple as copy/pasting the Blood Elf skin tones was because the Void Elf model is identical to the Blood Elf model so the textures have all the info that the model is looking for.


Almost feels like BE hair textures did not get upscaled when the BE models went HD heh. Would love to see it tho; I feel the Kul Tiran Hair textures are the closest to BE ones, so they could recolor those ones instead of starting from scratch.


I’m for tattoos being for both. But why is it this ‘good news’ for Void Elves is more good news for Void Elves. But the good news possibility for Blood Elves is a potential good news for Void Elves also?

What are Blood Elves getting that is unique and ours?

I specifically said it “might potentially be good news” for Void Elves. “Might” as in “not for certain”. It “might” be good news because Alleria sports her signature tattoo and Void Elf players have been asking for such as well. So if the devs have heard the calls for tattoos from Blood Elf players, they “may” have also heard such calls for tattoos for Void Elves as well.

As for “unique and ours”… that’s up to the devs. If tattoos and scars happen, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will be identical for both Void and Blood elves.


I just hope they see the call for Blood Elves to get unique options that aren’t shared as well.


I agree with you Lann. Blood and Void Elves don’t need to have identical options in every category. It’s why I push for the Kul Tiran hair textures and Human hairstyles for Void Elves.


I’ve already seen people want the jewelry on VEs too. Which is fine idc but at some point on principle the sharing seems skewed to benefit one side and I dislike that.

Like VE hairstyles should be shared with BEs. That is something for Blood Elves.

While I have no objection with Void Elf hairstyles being de-tentacled (where applicable) and shared with Blood Elves, I know some Blood Elf players actually do object to that. And I understand why.

And while I won’t poo poo anyone’s request for specific options, I’m personally hoping Blizzard does not share the Blood Elf jewelry with Void Elves. It’s their thing now. Let it be theirs alone. If Blizzard wants to give Void Elves some sort of jewelry, I’d rather it be entirely new or copied from Humans.


I just wanted to pop on by again to remind you that trolls do not have beards and they need to have it. Give trolls beards


I think not sharing VE hair only works if BE hair is preserved and not shared though even if BE hair is preserved I still don’t see what the devs have shared from VEs to BEs so it still seems skewed to me.

they are aware. they know for every duplicate spam thread a helfer creates there is just as much opposition in each one and that the requests arent even close to being an echo chamber. blizzard knows there are people who wont settle for anything less then an unmodified blood elf for their preferred faction and that blood elf players would like to retain what little uniqueness they have left


I understand where you’re coming from.

That point of not sharing Blood Elf hairstyles and colors is why I believe some Blood Elf players object to Void Elf hairstyles being shared with Blood Elves. They don’t want to share the Blood Elf hairstyles, so they see getting Void Elf hairstyles as opening the way for Void Elves to get their hairstyles in turn. They don’t want any sharing of hairstyles either way. I don’t care personally, but I understand why they do.

I should point out though Lann… this is not a quid pro quo situation. Void Elves don’t have to “compensate” Blood Elves because they got their skin tones. That was Blizzard’s decision, but I do agree with you that things still seem skewed, and that’s one of the reasons why I push for the Darkfallen options to be enabled for Blood Elves. It “unskews” things by giving Blood Elves a second theme that is not shared with Void Elves.

IF… and I stress IF… Blizzard decides to just copy/paste Blood Elf hairstyles and colors to Void Elves, that yes the Void Elf hairstyles and colors should be shared with Blood Elves in kind. As I said before, I’m personally hoping that Blizzard decides to go a different route, but I won’t complain too much if they take the low-effort/lazy way out.


I mean BEs have already shared so BE hairstyles don’t need to be shared and VEs should still have their hair styles shared over to BEs. So you’re right the hair doesn’t have to be tit for tat.

I think mostly I dislike how little has been done for BEs, uniqueness isn’t my stance but if only BEs are the ones sharing or getting unique things then suddenly it’s an argument I’m more understanding of. Especially when for everything that can be done for BEs it’s a “well they can add this for VEs too” type mentality which is fine to me personally but what are BEs getting that is for them considering they’ve shared and received an eye color in return.

So hopefully something can be just about Blood Elves that isn’t jewelry though there are people who have a “it should be easy for Blizzard to turn that on for VEs” type mentality too so idk, not that it’s something to guard but it’s just like wow y’all will really pick the corpse dry and then try to spin it like Blood Elves are winning huh.

As for all races I hope things are more gender neutral all around with new options being added but that’s like a I hope that for everyone sort of thing.

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I also informed Jeff Liu on the popularly requested Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves. (I even mentioned the model toggle for Forsaken, but he didn’t respond to that one.) He said he’d pass it on for us.