Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

oh definitely. she has swag.

i have a gnome but they ruined her. :frowning: she walks like a toddler now. and her eyes always look like she’s about to flip a wig

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Hmmm… I don’t see that with gnomes, female gnomes eyes are adorable. I like their hairstyles too, suits them being that gnomes are meant to be a comedy race along with dwarves.

final fantasy has the problem where every single character is attractive and most of them just look like varying sizes of each other. i’m not expecting wow to be like that and i know they wont be like that. but every once in awhile, they could make a good looking race instead of something very few people will play, and they’d still not have final fantasy levels of everybody’s gorgeous

Are they considered that? I play a DI dwarf unironically because I thought they were cool. :frowning:


i think dark irons are more serious. the females are adorable and have some great hairstyles.

All this complaining by elves about theor body jewelry and whatnot, yet goblins get just some random extensions to what they already have. Freaking elves.

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You could always… make a Goblin thread. :eyes:



Dwarves are plenty capable of being cool. Sure they can have comedy, but I wouldn’t call them a “comedy race”.


i have a request list. what would you like?

updated list

/carries sign.


  • dark ranger/san’layn customizations for belfs
  • farstrider tats and runic tats for belfs
  • sun elf style fx, like sunlit mana hair and other light fx for belfs
  • full beards for belf males
  • botanist druids for belfs


  • more haircolors, beards and hairstyles for velfs
  • ear/eyebrow resizing for velfs.
  • paladin class for velfs.


  • paladin class for nelfs.
  • female nelf body tats
  • happy faces for male nelfs
  • highborne customizations


  • happy faces for male nightborne
  • mana hair for nightborne
  • more hairstyles/haircolors
  • nightborne npc eyes
  • non-toothpick legs for male nightborne
  • not as wide chest


  • straight backs for forsaken
  • beards/mustaches for forsaken
  • dark ranger


  • beards for trolls
  • forest trolls
  • dreadlocks
  • upright


  • eyebrows for male orcs
  • blackrock orcs
  • dragonmaw orcs
  • dreadlocks


  • more eyecolors for draenei
  • manari eredar


  • shaved fur designs for pandarens
  • more faces for pandarens
  • solid fur colors
  • jewelry


  • druid class for gnomes
  • gnome females need alot of help.
  • scars

lightforged draenei

  • tails + jewelry
  • Horns or skull ridge options.
  • Headdress jewelry
  • Additional hairstyles
  • Eye color options (light silver, blue, lighter gold, orange, darkened glow.
  • Additional Tattoo patterns
  • Additional gold naaru patterns or non Naaru gold etching. Possibly different metal color from gold?


  • transmoggable arms / legs for mechagnomes
  • more metal colors
  • wheeled feet
  • different eyecolors
  • full body mech
  • wired/geared hair
  • druid


  • druid class for vulpera


  • skinny kul’tirans
  • tattoos


  • run animation options
  • thinner and thicc’er versions
  • piercings for males


  • more faces
  • no nose ring faces

highmountain tauren

  • more of everything


  • normal no shocked eyes lol


  • tails

Goblin Male-

  • 3-4 new faces, younger, uglier and resembling gilgoblin
  • Separate sideburns and hair options
  • Facial hair- stubble
  • Mustache, pencil-thin, curly, mafioso-style, Clark-Gable style, etc.
  • 1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
  • 1-2 chin option - low (jowels/fat), very long
  • 3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
  • 2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
  • Gold tooth options
  • Blind eye options
  • Yellow eye color option - non glowy
  • Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

Goblin Female-

  • 1-2 new faces, resembling Gilgoblin
  • 3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
  • 2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
  • 1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
    5-6 new earring options
  • eyebrow piercing options
  • Gold tooth options
  • Blind eye options
  • Yellow eye color option - non glowy
  • Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

special mention: purple npc elf style eyes for everybody that can use them cause those are amazing


i played classic beta. on one of the days, we were allowed to level to 10. had a human priest. got my starter wand, dinged 10 and went to westfall. got in a group with a dwarf hunter and another human and we farmed rares. that dwarf hunter was amazing. he’d spin around in the air while shooting. didnt even know you could do that lol

I made a few simple requests in this thread which died… my favorite part was where the op, when he updated the list, he only added my request for yellow eye colour (not glowy) and totally ignored my tats request. I mean it’s not like tats are a huge request, other races have it. But noooo, we got elves whining about their new body jewelry additions like it’s some high crime, but I’m supposed to be happy with a slightly modified chin or putting my existing jewelry in a only slightly different combo with another piece that we already had. Like come on… we don’t get anything properly outright new at all. Just some additions to what we already have.

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  • yellow non glowy eye color.
  • tats

anything else? yours will be the first goblin entry on my list. so might as well add some more if ya can think of it

Will just steal from the other thread for you.

Goblin Male-
3-4 new faces, younger, uglier and resembling gilgoblin
Separate sideburns and hair options
Facial hair- stubble
Mustache, pencil-thin, curly, mafioso-style, Clark-Gable style, etc.
1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
1-2 chin option - low (jowels/fat), very long
3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
Gold tooth options
Blind eye options
Yellow eye color option
Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

Goblin Female-
1-2 new faces, resembling Gilgoblin
3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
5-6 new earring options
eyebrow piercing options
Gold tooth options
Blind eye options
Yellow eye color option
Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

This was the thread if you want to add some other requests from it for other races.


ty. woot. :grin:

added. wow you have the most comprehensive list of stuff i’ve seen.

void paladin? I don’t think that works, dark shaman would be more logical


people ask, i put it on there. lol one of the community managers is requesting belf druids. :innocent: yesterday, a gnome requested mechagnome druid - like a transformer druid. :grin:

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Dark Shaman wouldn’t have access to Restoration, as they use Decay and not Spirit.

Those who seek to bring balance to the elements rely on Spirit (sometimes referred to as the “fifth element” by shaman, or “chi” by monks). This life-giving force interconnects and binds all things in existence as one. Decay is the tool of shaman seeking to subjugate and weaponize the elements themselves.

World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 1, page 10


being strictly void or strictly light, is a pain in the keister.

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