Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

well who better to say what i’d like, than me? i’m certainly not interested in being old and ugly, in and out of the game. so i play young, pretty characters so i’m not old and ugly 24/7. lol if all i have for new options is stuff that doesnt appeal to me, i’m not gonna play it


How about she can think what she wants? She’s allowed to have an opinion. You may not like it but she’s allowed to have it. Why should she consider unlearning her way of thinking? Because it hurts your feelings? I don’t think anyone is here to take care of your feelings. I think the Venthyr females are ugly too and so what. I can think it and I can also admit I’d never play one because they’re ugly to me.


You can think what you want without throwing out words like ugly and “thats not a woman”. I mean they said all the races except for blood elves and draenei are ugly and that women should have small hands. You don’t have to unlearn that way of thinking but I’m just saying it comes across bad. Whether you can understand why or not doesn’t change that.

I’m not really interested in having a drawn out argument or debate either. I put my thoughts out there so that’s that for me. People will do what they want at the end of the day.


theres a huge difference between small hands and her hands. venthyr females have hands you’d see on some alien species in a scifi, gigantic, not just large. would you be upset if i said some female alien is ugly?

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Comes off bad to you. To me it’s just honest. Everyone, whether they admit it or not finds some things either attractive or unattractive, it’s human nature. I prefer honesty personally. No need to beat around a bush and candy coat stuff. No interest in arguing any further either. We all think differently and have different opinions.

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It’s fine to show your dislike for something. I don’t like Venthyr either. I find them unattractive. What’s not fine is saying “They’re trying to appeal to the LGBT community because those women look like men.” which I’ve seen her do before. That’s just blatant transphobia.


yeah thats what it is. i played star wars galaxies. some of the alien females were attractive, some were not. like the female mon calamari. fish people basically. lots of guys played the males but no one played the female fish people.

if she appeals to transgendered people, then she’s served a purpose. she just doesnt appeal to me.

I think its ok to not find every woman attractive of course, but implying a female race doesn’t have the right to exist unless its sexually attractive, in a game about monsters and extra-dimensional beings, is limiting the creativity of the game. And in general saying that a woman has to be sexually attractive to someone in particular in order to justify their existence in a video game, or anywhere at all, is also a mentality that I hope to see people move away from. I just don’t think sexual attractiveness should be the sole thing we measure video game characters by. And yea that is very transphobic and harmful thing to say…


problem is, they stopped making popularly attractive races. they’ve gone back to making caricatures, such as very short people with huge feet, heads, hands, fur, robot parts, very tall people with horns, fur, tentacles, extreme body parts, everything’s exaggerated. its part of the fantasy genre to have odd, unique, bizaare and grotesque, but its also part of fantasy to have beautiful, lovely, handsome. they arent making that anymore. there was a brief moment, and its gone. now any of that is copied from prior stuff.

Someone could rp this disney character with female vynthir too;

Transgender* and you completely missed the point I was trying to make. Whatever.

Agreed. We need less of this: and more unique looking female characters :+1:


haha touche’
problem is, its been like this since i looked at fantasy art for the first time. frank frazetti i believe it was. the guy was covered in scars and tats and body paint, big muscular, the female was wearing some scraps of animal hide and was 36/24/36, beautiful and had maybe a spear in one hand. yep.

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nope not fair. if the guy can still be big and muscular and covered in tats and body paint, i can still be 36/24/36 with a spear and animal hides. not gonna hide in the closet. not doing it.

Yep, you can still roll a human or a nelf or a belf, etc.

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i’m just saying, if its good for the goose, its good for the gander. men arent the only ones allowed to be awesome.

You do know the reason why kul’tiran females are not play is not because they are fat, but because they lack that sailor feel and muscle mass the male has. This is likely due to blizzard trying to make them look more attractive for players that feels that females needs to be attractive to play.

I am glad I play with people, few of which is women in fact, that does not think like this and make female toons of the race they like regardless of the body type.

Tldr kul tiran females lacks personality, the vynthir we see here does have personality.

i have a friend who plays kul’tirans but she will only play male kul’tirans.

Mine plays strictly gnome and goblin females only.