Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

i like the doo-dad in her hair.
thanks :grin:

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Yeah, that’s an interesting hairpiece.

heres silver white. its an optical illusion that it doesnt look silver, due to the pink hair color shade thats on the skin. but it really is silver white. i just outlined the hair on the pink one, and used the colorize tool, then told it - no color saturation at all. the hair has zero color. its gray scale basically


Nice! Good job on these!


idea for warm toned versions for belfs. my hands arent very steady.


Lovely, my favorites are the pink colors.


yeah thats seafoam green and coral pink. i messed her eyes up. originally was gonna go with green eyes. thus you can see it peeking thru.

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bad art from old hands on an old graphics program lol


I think it looks really good.


ty. following their jokes about /shudder venthyr females lol.

I think your other pictures look great as well. Although I do want the cool hair colors on my Blood Elves they look much better, and there’s no reason for them not to have them. Same with Void Elves having the warmer shades.

fine with me. was just trying to come up with colors that wouldnt be identical to belf colors.

I tried to copy the Dark Ranger look the best that i could. The first is what we could get if Blizzard would give us the customizations. The second is as close to one you can get using the new Velf customizations. The last is as close as I could get with new Belf customizations. oddly I think the Velf pulls off the look the best.


I’m sorry but I can’t believe you’re insulting women who don’t fit your personal beauty standards in 2020.

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thats not a woman. its an artwork thats supposed to be a…a…are they vampires?

I’m not trying to put you down but you are putting others down in here and its really inappropriate. You’re in here insulting women who are curvy or bigger like Kul’Tirans too and basically any woman that doesn’t look like a Thalassian elf which is really shallow and gross.

The fact that Venthyr women break the pop culture standards make them more interesting/beautiful. If all the races conformed to what you want we’d have a very boring looking game.

And who are you to decide what a woman is? I really hope you don’t speak this way in real life. I’d be embarassed if I was out with you and you pointed at someone who doesn’t fit your standards and claimed “thats not a woman”.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


its not fat or ugly that i’m talking about. i’m talking about female characters people will actually play. if people wont play them, whats the point of creating them.

i referenced kul’tirans because this same thing happened, and here we are, alliance has another female race no one plays, and yet people were being yelled at when they said, can we please have characters we want to play. the males are popular, but i havent seen a female in months.

You’ve been posting about what you consider to be a woman vs. not a woman or what you consider to be ugly vs. attractive and you think only female races that fit your idea of attractive should be playable. You should consider unlearning this mentality because 1. its harmful, 2. it makes you look shallow, 3. its also self-limiting.


I’ve seen several in the past week posting on the forums and in game so idk what you’re on about. Just because you don’t play it doesn’t mean some people aren’t happy to have them. “Something for everyone” should be the ethos not “only things that suit me”.