Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I did? She is fine. The game needs less beutiful women in game anyways.

They are also vampires, vampires aren’t supposed to be beutiful or cute.

What he said.

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mmkay. :frowning:

hehe, nice! and yeah the venthyr male and female looks cool. We could use more like that in WoW.

Maybe if venthyr becomes an AR, it can eventually green-lit ogres to be an AR.

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this same thing keeps happening. hardly no one plays dwarf females. hardly no one plays kul’tiran females. hardly no one plays gnome females since they mussed them up. hardly no one plays female orcs. hardly no one plays female pandas. and it cant be because no one likes playing females, because the most populated race/gender combos are belf females. is this just a figment of my imagination?

Personally I have no interest in the Venthyr, but I’d play a San’layn very readily.


Well I, for one, will love to play as a hot Venthyr lass. I might even race change my Blood Elf who I’ve had since day 1 BC

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i like the idea of them going for new concepts and rolling them into traditional lore is awesome, such as nosferatu, but mark my words, after the initial rush, very few people will play venthyr females. its a waste of resources.

You could be 100% correct, that they wouldn’t be that that popular… but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a player base that wouldn’t jump at the chance. Plus they could add different looks to them as PC, and I truly hope that they would have an Eastern European voice to them. Romanian, or otherwise.


well i dont want to gatekeep other people’s wishes. if you want it, so be it.

meanwhile, we’re all waiting with bated breath for customizations that have all but dried up.

Female orcs, trolls, goblins, Draenei and Forsaken are all popular. Not everyone is basic.


I definitely can understand the appeal for Venthyr and would support them as an AR along with other races from the Shadowlands. Though if the option to play both a Venthyr and a San’layn were available, I’d prefer to roll a San’layn myself.


all these same arguments preceeded kul’tiran females and now they challenge panda and mechagnome females as the least played race/gender combo in the game. but what do i know. i’m basic.

And Zandalari females, who are wildly popular.

And yes, demanding every new race has to fit traditional notions of female beauty is, by definition, basic.


I think it’s great that blizzard is creating all this traditional vampire vibe instead of the handsome vampires of pop culture


none of them do. hasnt been a pretty race added since belfs and draenei. nightborne and velfs dont count as new, though nightborne are slightly different. i guess i’ll say, has been one pretty race added since belfs and draenei. copies of existing races are not new. the new additions are either furry, thicc or grotesque.

i mean its cool, but only the males will receive alot of play time. when i think of vampires, nosferatu does come to mind for males, though so does anne rice male vampires. but female vampires i always thought of as not just pretty but stunningly beautiful and thus part of what makes them successful vampires. but i dont read vampire lore.

i do know in vampire the masquerade rpg, only one of the clans were glamorous and the rest were varieties of beastly, grotesque, crazy, power hungry, war like, etc. didnt mean all their females/males were otherwise unattractive though. they just werent glam

Void elves, Nightborne. Draenei however have hooves and horns and weird head growths. They are not traditionally feminine.

Not that it really matters, if Venthyr aren’t pretty give them to the Horde. Horde players usually appreciate those sorts of aesthetics more.

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the female venthyr has an awesomely feminine walk though. she struts like a runway model. the males are just so much better in every other way. its a shame really

look at her in this hairstyle (timestamped). that looks just like a forsaken male. forsaken females look more like females by like several miles.

i can understand what you’re saying you’d like to play with a pop culture vampire like bella cullen, but i think blizz made a good decision with the venthyr

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Yeah, I think the Venthyr are super fly. They really fit into the whole Midnight Aristocracy sort of vibe from Warhammer fantasy.