Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

i thought she’d look good with red eyes. shes my belf hunter

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she’d have same color eyes as her pet. hehe

so a male only race then? :innocent: they’re afraid of pretty female vamps. the male venthyr look prettier than the females. the females hands are so huge they look like arnold schwartneggar hands on steroids. is there something wrong with femininity and beauty? <------serious question


I think both the male and female venthyr have a more traditional aesthetic look with the vampires of European folklore and not the pretty vampires of pop culture like twilight ones


Is there something wrong with less feminine women? Honestly, would have liked Venthyr more if they were actually good looking, but do you really need to insult women that don’t conform to the girly girl box?


Yuck! Thanks blizz for choosing the right aesthetics for vampires then twilight trash.

the only feminine females in the game are thalassians. everybody else is either oddly masculine or run like men, as if the animators just had various male runs to work with. you can be feminine and not be beautiful. you can be beautiful and not be feminine, but its almost as if they thought only guys play mmos.

I thought this was an mmo about war, not about beuty though?

I don’t remember any martial art that requires running feminely.

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I think venthyr is the best for playable vampires because the aesthetics and because there are venthyr who are really good people


Are you kidding? Have you seen how curvy all the female models are? They’re are very feminine especially draenei. It just seems like you have some sort of warped standards for women.

Just because they don’t fit your box doesn’t make them men or trans women like I’ve seen you try to imply before. Disgusting.


I might try to roll my horde alts into the venthyr just to see there story and unlock the vendor goodies. I am interested in them, but not as one of mains covenent.

women have certain features they share in common. not just curves. many think the women in wow arent curvy enough. how many women do you know who have hands the size of dinner plates. i’ll wait.

Your complaining about hand size, in a game series known to have over sized cartoon hands by tradition?


yeah i keep forgetting most races are caricatures

I really like the female Venthyr look. It’s sophisticated and gaunt in all the right places


she has no forehead and her hands are so big she could hold a basketball in one hand and touch her fingers on the other side.

I think that is the point of that art though. Vampires originally aren’t beutiful before the tv took over them.

I think the venthyr female looks good for what they are supposed to be.

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like nosferatu!!! yeah!!

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check her out