Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yes ma’am, I changed it up the other night :wink:

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You are looking BEAUTIFUL as always <3333!!!

but they arent forsaken. they’re scourge, former troops of arthas/nerzhul/lich king, but they never joined the forsaken. they are more like dks

And forsaken was former scourge, so they’d fit right in!

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They didn’t join the jailer’s forces and we killed them in the pre-patch?

well then forsaken should just own dks too then, since same thing.

small group survives, redeems themselves with belfs, uses their abilities to defend quel’thalas, builds city in deatholme.

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Actually wheren’t they keen on accepting non-forsaken DK’s in? even alliance ones lore-wise? Good try.

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so forsaken should get all scourge races as customizations, even if they are other races in every way except being raised. oh my my, nice big loophole for lightbound.

Sounds like you want to post in my thread about that!

Don’t be shy now :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t be silly now, you know those that are light-infused are immune to diseases lore-wise.

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not a problem. :innocent:

is a good fanfic so they stop eating people? Or do they secretly hunt blood elves and kill them to drink their blood?

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They would know the only faction in the horde that allows cannibalism is forsaken :stuck_out_tongue:

theyd go after blood elves enemies, same as any ally of the horde. one person even figured out how they could have drust like form of druidism, accessing thas’allah’s roots under deatholme. i wouldnt personally use these customizations, cause i’m not a fan of undead stuff. but they’d bring red eyes and undead skin color options for belfs, thus allowing for a pieced together dark ranger

if what you want is dark ranger they could be part of the forsaken society and they should be forsaken customization.

over the sanlayn sylvanas I accept them and they rioted to eat members of the horde and now they joined the forces of the jailer. the representation of the sanlayn is that of being monsters who enjoy killing everyone around them.

I personally prefer the venthyr as playable vampires

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as i said, i’m not a fan of undead races to begin with. i’m just trying to support lannisterian’s request for dark rangers. if he’d be happy with them on forsaken, then i’m fine with it too. i wanted red eyes for my belf hunter but i will survive.

Koltira was captured and tortured by Sylvanas for that exact reason.

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Just remember though, everyone should be weary of opening the pandora’s box of undead paladins before the forsaken get’s paladins (though I do not support forsaken paladins)

I think a customization like this would be great for forsaken


is that an female forsaken with elf ears? interesting…