Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yeah I was banging that drum for ages, but at this point in time Forsaken really need more attention than orcs and trolls.


orc and troll dreadlocks added.
wired/geared mecha hair added

so skeletal form idea - add etched designs. so their skull is etched and dyed.
crystal skull <—that would look neat

You know what I think would be neat? Not advocating for the dismantling of their lore.

Maybe they can add in scourged orcs and dwarves too that inhabited lorderon, but just recently saved from the new scourge invasion, maybe make them into a night warrior-like quest line unlock.

She’s one of the people pushing for it as a blood elf thing, not giving Forsaken access to their entire race.

he says sylvannas was a high elf, and therefore a blood elf, and is on the forsaken now. so dark rangers are forsaken blood elves

It’s still not being fixed as some hair colors are being removed and locked behind DK’s only. I heard the light violet hair color which females had in the alpha and beta is getting removed, I had a Highborne trio and one of them was gonna rock that light violet hair color.


yeah my ptr nelf started off with that color.


Oh well it is what it is. I guess I can just kill her off and maybe make my Nightborne mage “take” her place in the group as both are arcane mages. I don’t understand why would Blizzard lock hair colors behind classes…


I’m glad you’re starting to get it.

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ok but they are still part of the forsaken faction. they serve(d) sylvanas not lorthemar and silvermoon

blood elves. haha i proved horde forsaken high elves are horde forsaken blood elves. so both sides have claim.

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Also the Forsaken race.

Literally the only connection to blood elves they have is as the living.

This demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about Forsaken.

Part of being Forsaken is forsaking your past. They take on new names, they take on new jobs, they convert to a new religion.

For example this quest text.

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and she wanted him dead because he betrayed the high elves by letting arthas thru the shield

Yeah they forsake their past, they don’t forget it.

Those hair colors look more night elf than any of the other ones too… and then they gave us the worst ones from the DKs which was the bright neon pink. Really bad decision in my opinion.


you want them to be a customization? like a whole different race?

Yeah, I do. It’s no different to people asking for skinny Kul Tirans, those use the Forsaken rig.

i meant actual skinnier kul’tirans. the ones you refer to look cool also but they dont look like playable kul’tirans. i know its not gonna happen but its the only thing i’ve seen kul’tiran players ask for.

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