Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I sometimes wonder what they are smoking over at Acti-blizz based on what they choose to implement and what they do not.


The last lore flavorful quest I did was the Heritage Armor quest for my Blood Elf. I loved that quest chain so much.

More of stuff like that would be much better additions to the game. The Lightforged option would’ve been an amazing addition to the game for the draenei.


You’re kind of proving my point here.

Again, that’s potentially one of the reasons why Alliance High Elves are being given as customization options to Void Elves rather than being made their own race. And for that same reason, why Darkfallen aesthetics for those seeking San’layn/Dark Rangers seem more likely to be added as customization rather than an allied race of their own.

I’m not saying to give up trying to get them as an allied race, but try to see the bigger picture with how Blizz seems to be handling such requests now.

Wildhammer Dwarves ended up as customization options

Several different troll tribes ended up as customization options

Alliance High Elves ended up as customization options

If I have to bet on whether the Darkfallen will get to be their own allied race or end up as a customization option, I’m going to put my money on the latter.


Agreed. And I think Blizzard realized that now, which is why it’s a customization bonanza rather than another slew of allied races.

Not to mention it’s less work to do customizations and put them on existing races and not have to deal with unlock scenarios, racial balancing, and spreading the customization love so thin because every allied race gets a little, when the parent race can just have a lot and players have the freedom to mix and match as they please.


Well I’m glad they listened because I doubt they would have given me my Dark Trolls through the Allied Race system.

I feel kinda bad that Nightborne options were given to Night Elves and not the reverse but then again lots of people thought Nightborne should have been given to the Alliance to begin with and now its easier than ever to roleplay that.

oh that reminds me. i have bad rheumatoid arthritis. i want voice controlled wow. hehe. skip the programmable mouse and keyboard. all ya need is a mic. thats what i want.

you could say : forward 1, or turn 1, or rotate, look up, look down, or right 3 or left 2 or cast 3, etc. jump. run walk stop sit eat drink bag mount equip etc. wonder if anyone has an add on like that

I have a feeling that the reason Nightborne have hardly been touched for launch is because they just need so much work, they have to wait till the devs can do a more allied race focused customization pass.

I believe when that happens, Nightborne will possibly see some, if not all, Night Elf skin tones refitted to their models. I’d also expect ear size options like Night Elves got, and maybe even some shared hairstyles.


I saw some weird NB face rigging that suggested they might be trying to fix the bug eye problems that they have. So that’s good at least.


I really hope so. One of the biggest criticisms of Nightborne that I, and others have, is that they look next to nothing like their NPC’s. A big part of that is the “botox eyes”. Nightborne also just need
 of everything. More faces (particularly options that aren’t ugly/angry/aged looking), more hairstyles, more hair colors, and any other options that can make them look closer to the npcs.


With all of these different customizations being rolled into the races such as

  • Wildhammer / Dwarves

  • High Elves / Void Elves

  • Various Troll Tribes / Darkspear

i think the next “new races” will work differently than what we’ve been used to. I think for the most part allied races are going to be finished. (Unless it’s a totally different race that might use an existing rig i.e: Ogres using the Kul Tiran rig.) It probably won’t happen in Shadowlands but maybe the expansion after, but i think a Sub Race system may be the next step.

Some examples would be:

High Elf: They’d be a subrace under the Void Elf umbrella and if you select a High Elf it opens up access to the Paladin class (maybe Druids/Shaman if the Highvale go that route)

Wildhammers: Under the Dwarven race umbrella but playing as a Wildhammer would also open up access to the Druid Class.

San’Layn/Dark Fallen: Either a subrace to the Forsaken or Blood Elves. Although if they were a Blood Elf option they’d probably lose access to Paladins.

With this system they could probably add in unique racials for the Subraces where it fits. Wildhammer i could see having some unique options compared to Bronzebeard Dwarves. Same thing with High Elves. They’d probably have different racials when compared to Void Elves. The same could be said for San’Layn/Dark Rangers depending who they’d be a subrace of.


While this ain’t a bad idea at all I doubt Blizzard would put the effort in. But who knows.

You know, this makes a lot of sense and it is kind of an elegant solution to this.

In the end, today, I keep wondering if they regret the whole concept behind ARs, given how, 1 expansion later, they are handling racial diversity.


/looks confused :thinking:

Just because we let the Forsaken and Dark Rangers walk around the city doesn’t mean we are letting them into the Sunwell. Generally only Thalasian elves are allowed to perform the pilgrimage to the isle and the Sunwell.

I think Thalyssra and her entourage were even lucky to view its magnificence.

Personally, I think they should, forsaken by name is simply a faction of undead that broke free from the scourge. This could range from dwarf, troll, orc, elf and humans.

The alliance equilivent can be with the lfd (army of the light) as they could include the army that accompanied turalyon/alleria/khadgar through the dark portal. This can range with; humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes. They can add orcs later if the light bound become a thing.

It can also be used to get past AoE snares/ monk AoE knock back.

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I don’t know if we see any orcs, trolls, or dwarves as part of the Forsaken, though I wouldn’t oppose them as options.

There are a number of NPC undead Trolls as enemies, so getting to play undead Trolls beyond DKs would be cool.

While I can’t recall seeing any undead Dwarves beyond DKs, there’s nothing that I can think of saying they don’t exist, and Horde Dwarves would be awesome.

They’d have to change the name from Lightforged Draenei to just Lightforged to pull this off. On the plus side, we’d get Gnome Paladins.

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Which wouldn’t be a big deal with lfd, there lore is more on the side of how to be lightforged then anything else, the portion of them being survivors of argus can be augmented with the survivors of dreanor exploding since turalyon is a leader of the lfd.

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Yeah, would definitely make Lightforged more interesting. The main hurdle to overcome is that so far each set of racials is tied to only one model.

The only exception to this is Worgen’s Two Forms, but they can’t use their human form in combat, so it doesn’t really play into this.

There’s also the Orc hunch toggle, but that’s only a slight pose change, not a new model.

I wouldn’t mind personally, but I can see people taking issue with this being changed.

The orc hunch would be easy to work around, simply state the lf orcs does not hunch forward due to the light influence on they’re body, this would allow hunched orcs to remain unique for horde only.