Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Always remember blizz, give em an inch. They’ll be happy for a few moments, before they request a mile.

Lorash was a blood elf rogue and he was raised as dark ranger after Malfurion strangled him with a vine.

I’d prefer a dark ranger model toggle for the forsaken as well. We’d both look and feel undead when playing as a Dark Ranger. But the thing is the toggle will more than likely take much more work than just adding the customization to Blood elves. Blizz seems adverse to putting any more effort than needed.


It wouldn’t take that much work though. They already have systems for parallel racial customisation as shown with Worgen, options that are hidden unless certain other options are chosen as in the case of human sideburns as well as Dark Ranger assets. It might take a bit of effort to get it all into the barbershop, but not much.


Maybe the quest will reward us with such a toggle and that’s why Dark Rangers weren’t part of customization.

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Who’s this “they”? Because from my experience, players in general tend to ask for things, and when they get them, they ask for more things.

remember blizz, give em an inch…

And not for nothing, if I ask for 8 inches, but I’ll be satisfied with 6 inches, and you only offer me one inch, I’m going to keep asking for more inches until you’re able to hit my sweet spot. :smirk:


Nothing she says indicates any problem with the Forsaken.

Might as well use a Scarlet Crusader to explain all humans.

Neither of these people have any indications that they represent how blood elves interact with forsaken.

There is no evidence against this.

Yes they do.

This just says that the orcs can’t be claimed to be represented by their leader in their entirety.

People don’t always agree implicitly with their leaders.

Both of these are along the same line so I’m gonna answer together.

This seems to amount to a different way to look at it.

I don’t think either race got any meaningful customization options.

It’s the most likely way to get it.

I’ll support Forsaken getting it as a toggle just fine. But never as just adding elf ears to the base Forsaken model.

That to me is a do it right or not at all.


I’d prefer they be there only Allied Race. They are far too diverse from the Sin’dorei to keep their racials and any of their aesthetics. They started out as blood elf loyalists of Kael’thas and were experimented on by Arthas. Similar to how the Ren’dorei started out as Sin’dorei but through the void became what they are now, much different than a blood elf. Now with the Helm of Domination broken all of the San’layn should be fully free to do as they please. Preferably to join the horde and reconnect with their kin and set-up shop in the Ghostlands. :bat:

forsaken elves are as much a part of blood elven society as forsaken humans are with…well theres multiple human kingdoms but ill just say stormwind society

So needy.

Most people are just happy with human contact, selfish. :roll_eyes:

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The Dark Rangers are different from the Darkfallen aka San’layn.

The Dark Rangers are elves raised by either the Lich King or Sylvannas’ Valks.

The San’layn were blood elves experimented and cursed by Arthas / Lich King to become something much different. Perhaps we’ll find out more about the curse in the Shadowlands.

Anyway, they are different which is why I’d prefer an Allied Race for the San’layn.

You have to give Blood Elves credit for being slightly less prejudice than humans. They did ally with the Horde after all. And they don’t cast their people out of society based on undead status.

Weird how they choose to cast out the velfs though but are still cool with dead people running around Silvermoon city.

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We used to be very isolationist… but with good reason.

Taught those humans arcane magic and then they turned around and used it against us. Hmph!

Also the now void elves were exiled because they wanted to study and use the void which could’ve caused a catastrophe with the Sunwell.

Do undead affect the sunwell at all? Now I’m curious. I guess they would just get burnt to a crisp by the light so they don’t pose the same threat.

I believe only when used in a dark ritual to bring a dead human mage back to life as lich.

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Oh for sure San’layn/Dark Rangers would have been better as an allied race of their own, but I don’t think that’s in the cards. Blizzard seems to have shifted direction from derivative allied races to simply adding customization to existing races so they can portray the derivatives.

Some players felt Lightforged and Highmountain should have been customization options and not allied races. Blizzard faced some criticism over this and perhaps that’s one of the reasons that they decided to go this route in Shadowlands.

I ask for Darkfallen aesthetic options for Blood Elves now because it seems more likely to be given than a stand alone allied race. In the same way, I would have preferred Alliance High Elves being their own allied race, but rather than add yet another derivative Thalassian (and have to add an equivalent for the Horde), Blizzard decided that the Alliance High Elf fantasy will be fulfilled by Void Elves using High Elf customization options. I would expect that Blizzard would treat the requests for a Darkfallen allied race in the same way.


I have no idea what you’re referring to! :wink:

I mean I could agree but the latest round gave us Mechagnomes which were very underwhelming and should’ve been a customization option.

I could still see San’layn added as an Allied Race, simply put: they are dead with much different racial attributes. Whereas I don’t see much difference in a Bronzebeard Dwarf and a Stormpeaks Dwarf or whatever they are… from my understanding they are cousins whereas the Dark Irons were much different.

I think the Void Elven customizations were added as an oversight they intended to add initially. Given that Alleria can change her appearance at will or almost at will. Now the Void Elves are somewhat able to replicate that ability. Though their transformation was a bit different than hers, so I can see the subtle differences added for them versus her.

San’layn allied race!

Dark Ranger options could be added to Blood Elves. Or to the Forsaken, if Blizz is going to let the Forsaken have some more undead extended options, like looking for abomination or banshee ish.

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Merely being the the vicinity of it, no but the Scourge did actively defile it once, though I believe the Blood Elves actually destroyed it as they would otherwise be corrupted by the necrotic influence tainting the Sunwell.

They should have gone with what they did for Night Warriors and made Lightforged/Highmountain stuff into customization that you could quest for. Would make things easier and more immersive while leaving room for better races to be implemented. Such as Broken Draenei who actually look like a new race.


That would’ve been a great idea… And that’s not how Blizzard operates.

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