Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I make more use of the Nightborne mailbox on my Nightborne priest and mage than I do Spatial Rift on any of my Void Elf characters :neutral_face:

I just wish that damn (book) mailbox would be visible to other people, so I could at least roleplay with it. :confused:

This is second hand info, but Broflake loves the Void Elf racial on his DK.

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It’s an extremely powerful dk racial. I might not play a void elf which seems to have somehow disqualified me from discussing it, but the fact it’s amazing for us comes up quite a bit amongst the dk mandem.


You ever seen a blood elf show any hatred or dislike of a dark ranger?

Lor’themar is one guy. The blood elves are not shown anywhere else to dislike their undead brethren. Nor their forsaken allies for that matter.

In either case, it doesn’t matter. Given the option is only going to ever happen through blood elves. Blizzard isn’t going to add a second forsaken model that isn’t even human.

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Well I would love to hear how he or anyone else makes regular use of it in pve because I really have a hard time find any reason to click it when I play on my Void Elves.

Please tell me this is a turn of phrase.

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It’s not so much that you are “disqualified” but it would help if you had actual experience using it in pve situations so you could speak in detail as to just how you make use of it.

I have a Void Elf Holy Priest. Yes there are cases were I can turn, toss Spatial Rift one way and Angelic Feather run myself the other and pop back. And I can count on one hand how often that has ever been of actual practical use for me in pve.

On this mage, I can do the same nonsense with Blink but, again, the times where I find that to actually be a useful course of action in pve just seem too few and far between for me to think of Spatial Rift as more than anything but a novelty outside of pvp.

Maybe I just expect too much from it, or I’m not quick enough of mind and/or body enough to make use of it the way other people do. I am getting on in my years and am not exactly in the best of health >_>

No, because they never once appear alongside or interact with blood elves. Hardly great evidence against them being shunned.

Lor’themar is their leader. He’s not just a guy.

I didn’t think they’d give void elf blood elf skins.

Either it should happen as Forsaken or not at all. Dark rangers are Forsaken lore and Forsaken lore shouldn’t be man handled to ensure a race with an average number of options has above average numbers of options.

Not using an mmo mouse is barbaric.


Aside from a /silly there’s no evidence that the Blood Elves are discriminatory towards the Forsaken. The Forsaken, namely Sylvanas inducted Quel’thalas into the Horde and helped regain the Ghostlands.

The Forsaken have a very different dynamic with the Sin’dorei than they do with Humans. First and foremost they are the same faction as opposed to being at odds with Humans. Even way back in the Third War Forsaken were rejected by a racist Human commander, the same commander who also mistreated the Sin’dorei, who themselves never treated the Forsaken. Sylvanas herself felt a basic sense of duty to her homeland to send the Forsaken to aid the Blood Elves, the Dark Rangers remaining as part of the Horde probably do as well, if not more so as they have more scruples than Sylvanas and her loyalists. Velonara declares both the Forsaken and the Blood Elves her people.

I personally wouldn’t have a problem with the Blood Elf model being used for Forsaken Elves so long as at least some of the Blood Elf hairstyles were ported over along with the model. That being said that method of making Dark Rangers playable may seem more sound lorewise, but logistically, it seems to be the more complex of the two by far, so giving Forsaken Elven features and the Blood Elves Undead tones seems to be the most realistic way to appease both groups.


I’m living in the stone age. Send help.


How do you get your gryphon faces to not be covered?

All this proves is there is no evidence for either.

Leaders are singular individuals.

Not all blood elves think act or feel like their leader does.

Nor for any other races. Orcs or even Forsaken for instance have both had differing views to their leaders even if some didn’t see it before.

Kinda always thought that was a foolish notion. But fair enough point there.

How are blood elves winning at all with these customizations?

Forsaken and blood elves got just as meaningful customization options in my opinion. Which is to say almost nill.

In either case, I’m going to work for what’s more likely. Dark Rangers are a thing I want to see and it’ll only come through belfs. I’d be perfectly happy to see a dark ranger toggle for the model for Forsaken, it’s just not gonna be how blizzard will do it.

Learned that lesson when I stopped fighting for folk to just accept high elf Wayfarers being the future of the void elves, just because some folk took issue with it. Yet here we are.


I dunno. That’s just how the default bar is for me with no addons.


Apart from Lor’themar. There is only evidence suggesting blood elves hold them at arm’s length both in the behaviour of people like Lor’themar, Advisor Valwyn and former blood elf Renthar Hawkspear and by the fact that there are no blood elves rubbing shoulders with dark rangers, meanwhile there is no evidence suggesting blood elves have received them back into the fold.

Leaders hold influence. As seen in Cata where, for example, the orcs are divided into a faction who follows Thrall’s example and a faction who follows Garrosh’s example.

They’re not. But they have around 190 options overall, putting them roughly in the middle of the pack. Forsaken, meanwhile, have 145 putting them at the bottom of the ladder as far as core races.

But blood elves started with a lot more options. For the first 12 years of the game they had more options than any other race.

Also Forsaken have a number of very low quality options such as their hair. Look at these hair styles and tell me if you think they were remade or if they’re direct ports from the old models.

If everyone pushes for blood elves to get an option that ruins another race, of course it’s more likely.

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the selling point of blood elves is what they are, fair skinned blonde haired elf. their aesthetics as a race as it were. it doesnt matter if their capitol was org and the orc capitol was silvermoon people are going to play an orc because its a green tribal monster and likewise for blonde hair fair skinned elves

the fact that they start at level 1 isnt a selling point. again its the aesthetics and feeling unique in an mmorpg. it really actually just means they are a core race. it means they represent a major part of the horde, both narratively and in terms of perception by players in that if you see an orc or a troll or a BLONDE HAIRED FAIR SKINNED elf you think, horde

thats a selling point. if you want to be a fair skinned elf the option was blood elf. and you felt unique. now its void elf as well and no other race has had their uniqueness stripped away into a 95% clone for the other faction. its just not fair to blood elf players who have been playing this race since 2007. the non void tainted hair is their only selling point now and i hope it stays that way

well ofc you do! if blood elves get a forsaken theme then why cant void elves have a second completely different theme and go from a 95% to 100% blood elf clone right?



Blonde hair for void elves, please. Brown and red would be great too, but it’s the lack of blonde that is keeping me from faction changing a couple alts. Give a couple blood elf hair styles linked to belf colors with no tentacles.

Give blood elves a couple void elf colors/hairstyles for the “it has to be fair!!!” crowd.

People that think they can’t have the same option because they’re technically separate races, I’d like you to go make a worgen and a human and see that their options are 100% the same.

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So basically you’re going to handwave away any point I bring up, and that you only see skin and hair as the selling points of Blood Elves… got it.

As to Darkfallen aesthetics. I’m a proponent of it because I want it for my Blood Elves. I don’t need those options for Blood Elves to justify Void Elves having a second theme because they are already getting that. That ship has sailed.

I want Darkfallen aesthetics because I want them, but I also recognize that they are desired by some players and would balance things out for those who take issue with Void Elves having 2 themes.

I should have know better that to try and engage with you in an honest way. My mistake. Won’t happen again.