Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

the build last night was ptr only - it was music. beta build is supposed to be today . you saying its already done?


I can understand that Blizzard wants the game to be as successful as possible. What they are forgetting is for some that Success is the customizations that they are neglecting with some of the most played races. If they want their game to be successful they should follow through with all their promises not just ones that cater to certain crowds. Besides I can honestly say I’d rather not have those that worked on Blood Elf customizations working on other parts of the game.


Actually, the success of the game doesn’t come from customization’s or that sort of stuff, it comes from the content.

But in terms of customization’s, Blizzard did say it is an ongoing process, and they’re not done with them. What we get at launch doesn’t mean there isn’t more coming in future patches and expansions.


But the new customization is coming at the cost of content, i.e. a new class or race. Blizzard has said so themselves.

As it is coming at the cost of content, it should receive the appropriate focus.


Are you saying that the purple eyes that the npcs have or the tattoos like rommath or alleria cannot be used for the players?

Why do we need a new class or race when Blizzard can’t even do a good job at maintaining the current classes or races?

I didn’t say we did.

I’m just saying. I’m not trying to have a go or anything.

Me neither. If I’m coming across as confrontational, I apologize.

I dunno, been dealing with a lot of stress lately because of stuff that is happening down here in Australia, so if I sound like I’m angry or fustrated with the way I post, I apologize as well.


Anyways, I still want this hair style for Void Elves



I’m not sure where you got that from my post. I’m not saying that at all.

As far Alleria’s and Romath’s tattoos
 they might not be tattoos at all in the way you are thinking. They might very well be part of those character’s models so no they couldn’t be used for players as is. Something like them would have to be created anew and designed specifically for the player character models if that’s the case (it might not be for Rommath at least, but Alleria’s model and textures are unique to her).

As far as the NPC purple eyes
 those could be enabled for players just as the red npc eyes and the dead Blood Elf skin tone (for males at least, the female version has no underwear so that has to be addressed before it can be enabled for player use).

What I said was that it’s crunch time. It’s the time when all the t’s have to be crossed and all the i’s have to be dotted for release. The character artists could very well be working on more stuff, but Blizzard may be basically letting that work get done so it can be added later in bulk rather than a hairstyle here, and a tattoo there.

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I’m guessing they’re part of his NPC only chest piece, though that’s just a random hunch with no basis.


Yea it could be a “shirt” for all we know.

Yes, tattoos do exist as shirts for NPC use only. It’s really infuriating.


Agreed! I want that “shirt”!

Shame it is only an NPC item. Would love to see this obtainable for the playerbase.

Agreed, I’d love it available as a shirt mog.

Apparently one can use the Inkbinder’s Spike object in Stormheim to apply the Runescribed Tattoos buff, which will give you the appearance of the tattoos for an hour while outside in the Broken Isles.

So it is available, but only obnoxiously restrictively and temporarily, and not as a mog. :frowning:

The Inkbinder’s Spike apparently shares the same spawn point as the NPC Kottr Vondyr, at least according to a comment on wowhead. Here’s Kottr Vondyr for reference:


The build is up, the preamble has nothing on customization unless I missed it.