Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Ahh I see actually Silver White Hair and Black Hair.

Well they scrapped the body jewelry but they also didn’t get Farstrider/Magister options
thanks a lot :-/

It’s the Blizzard circle of life.

It’s Compromise, no one gets what they actually want.

Unless you play Forsaken. Then you don’t even get a compromise you just get compromised.


Or in other words you get


I like some of their new options, but it’s a shame they didn’t get more.

They literally have the least of any core race and it’s not even close.

And what they did get is super slack. Their poor toes stick out of their boots.


I hope they fix that. I like some of the hair styles and the ability to not show the bones. I’d like an option for them to stand upright though.


What they needs are Kul Tiran beards to makes them drop dead sexy.


I just wish everyone was ending up happy.


I looks like during the void elf starting cinematic, once Alleria establishes Telogrus rift as their base, high elves and blood elves join her and the alliance under the void elf banner.
Blizz gave blood elves a bunch of new customization options but i think if void elves were to get similar (ie light hair, short ears), it could be justified by the various backgrounds that came together under Alleria.
If this were to be the case, a “void-type” racial wouldnt bother me because even though in theory all Void Elves arent literally of the void, a trick or two learned from those that are would expected


Handclaw on twitter did some good rune mockups.


belfs make tats look good. my favs are the runic tats. classy.


YES AND YES :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I just want to say the work you have all done is so refreshing, great ideas, amazing mock ups I love it, we truely have an amazing community!


Such a shame this probably won®t be implemented -you see, runic tattoos are much too serious for “superficial silly Belves” according to Blizz-. Even more aggravating when randos in the internet actually manage to portray the stuff Blizz probably can implement much easier but that refuses to.

I suppose losing the awful body jewerly WAS a win all things considered.

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its good advertisement for the game if the playable characters look cool and belfs look cool with tats. hope blizz is already making them to replace the body jewelry

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Not quite related to belves themselves but
 Since I love conspiracy theories:

@Keyboardturn discovered weeks (months?) ago that they changed human skin textures to separate them from underwear, and they hinted that blizz did that to all the races that received body tats.


I hope that implies that Blood Elf customization was unfinished and that we will receive the quality customizations we asked for.

What many of us have asked for:

Scars because Belfs are skilled warriors who have seen a lot of combat.
Tattoos (Runic and Farstrider)
Dark Ranger options (Red eyes and undead skin)
Damaged ears because Belfs are zombie apocalypse survivors.
Better beards
Jewelry for the men.

I refuse to accept that anyone at Blizzard can see what some races, including Blood Elves got, and consider customization finished. Male Blood elves get next to nothing. The bulk of customization for females is jewelry (most of the jewelry doesn’t even have the same quality as other races’ jewelry.) Belves don’t have as many categories as most other races.