Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

We’ll talk at launch when you’ll see nothing will be added.

hmm, that wont stop the requests. and launch doesnt mean no more customizations either.

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Obviously it won’t stop them. But they said they are only planning on adding options at launch and COULD always add more options more easily in the future.

Where is this source? Because the interview with Ion says they intend to continue adding more options as the xpac goes on.

Nicodemùs literally posted the quotes from the interviews Ion’s exact words from an interview:

so now that we’ve kind of cracked that open, yeah, all of that is on the table. We are still going down the list of the races that haven’t been updated yet and getting those into alpha soon. But that’s an effort that’s going to continue after Shadowlands is out the door . And we’re really excited about the passion the community has around it . Our artists love going through all those ideas and suggestions and seeing what people are hyped about and seeing what we can make real.


We’ve already heard tons of requests and feedback on existing customizations and things people would love to see. And while we, of course, can’t get to everything in the limited time we have, that doesn’t stop as soon as Shadowlands is out. It’s a process that will continue. There are other races you want to give attention to, and then continue to revisit just the general space of letting people express themselves as their avatars with the greatest diversity possible in the game world.


and you know they didnt miss this


OMG give me now!


not my cup of tea but i appreciate the talent, creativity and passion that went into it. i dont know how they arent already playable for the horde with dark rangers being the hunter class of their race.

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Someone else from the art team (sadly I don’t remember his name but his interview is on wowhead) talked about the customization options. And he said they are trying to bring at launch as many customization options as they can and maybe down the line in Shadowlands they can add more but they are focusing on launch.

Really I’d love to see San’layn essentially repatriated into the Sin’dorei. We’ve seen they have the abilities to control undead. So they could help aid Silvermoon in protecting it from the masterless scourge.

And given their abilities to Shapeshift I’d love to see them draw powers from Ardenweld/Thros using druidic death magic.

Oh my dreams are big, but beautiful in my mind.


Be still my heart. The San’layn community has indeed put forth some exquisite art. I especially like some of the Forsaken and Void Elf styles being used on them.

I really hope they add this as either an AR or a Night Warrior for Blood Elves.

I love this idea as well. Their capital should either be in Deatholme or somewhere in the Ghostlands and they could act as wardens of sorts, reigning in the remaining Undead and defending against invaders. It would be the ultimate redemption for the San’layn, who originally fell at Icecrown following Kael’thas.

Deatholme was built over the remains of Thas’alah, which was the mother tree for Quel’thalas, so the druidic death magic would be fitting for the San’layn and the location.


the horde theme.

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I would like to know why the most played race of the horde has so few customizations


Not thick enough? Been awhile since I’ve tried to decipher Warhammer 40k Ork’s words.

A combination of close combat proficiency and size.


Gotta love those Orks. Unless they’ve formed a Waaagh! and are heading your way… then less love.


Deff Skwadron remains the single best piece of 40k literature to date.


Individual shoulder mog is not on yet, BUT they created the code structure for it…

I hope this makes into live eventually, hopefully soon!



simple face tattoo.