Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

They’re still new and look fantastic, players didn’t have access to them.
The options for humans and night elves alone are completely amazing, imo.


I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’m excited and grateful for the skin tones, and looking forward to whatever else may come down the road for all races, even if they are just old npc options made usable by players.

I do agree the San’layn part of the Alliance War Campaign did end far too abruptly for my taste, and I was disheartened to see there was no mention of it at all on the Horde side.



My night elves will look fab. The only thing they still need is tattoos for the women!


im honestly gunna make a night elf hunter after pre patch just to get the ally stories that I havent seen, the customization is everything ive ever wanted. unfortunately the realities of the ally playerbase means i cant main an ally toon.

Tattoos for women! Face and body tattoos seperated for men!

Green Eyes ala malfruion!
Body Scars??? :smiley:


Okay so tattoos for the women aren’t the only things needed!

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Maining isn’t necessary. Just having a character of either side to see their story is enough IMO. And hey, your new Night Elf can unlock the mail transmogs from Exile’s Reach for you!

At least they have had the face markings for options.

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As a night elf player myself I can’t say I’m existed about the new options. They aren’t interesting at all. Just the generic stuff that was obvious it will be added :-/

I am happy we can change the color of the markings individually of the hair now at least!


Honestly after maybe adding some stuff for Shen’Dralar representation, Night Elves are very well off.

I mean we all know that but I can’t think of too much more to ask for after that…

New faces?


yea thats true, i actually main this paladin so the mail wouldnt do much for me, but night elf hunter was my OG character, ive always loved night elves. I would probably main switch if the ally playerbase wasnt so small for the content I want to do. its a big shame.

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As long as they can’t look like Azshara who was the goddess of Azeroth in appearance they won’t.

yeah, new face options would be nice, the women have a few good ones already but I’ve heard complaints about the male face options.

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I just wish that females of all races got makeup options like the Humans. I’d like to have the option for something other than purple, green, or blue lips on my Night Elf females.

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To me the male night elves are about as ugly as any orc.


I won’t say no to make up but it’s also not a big priority. Some more jewelery options and colors might be nice, like all the jewelery options draenei are getting has me jealous.

Honestly all they would need are more proper regal jewelry, golden jewelry option, regal hairstyles and purple eyes and there you have proper full Highborne options. Too bad it didn’t happen :frowning:

Outside of one single face that isn’t entirely busted, I have to agree with this. Stop making me agree with you!

Night Elf males suffer from angry/ugly face syndrome, popeye-esque body proportions, and their heads jut forward like they are trying to get a look at something far away >_<

And poor Nightborne males didn’t get the one Night Elf male face that isn’t entirely buggered.