Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

A fate worse than death.

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And I had to do it twice! And I’m doing it again on an alt!

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They found out the people they thought were the only ones to care about them in a world that rejects them didn’t.

They still lost their home. From both an in universe and meta perspective the Forsaken got a raw deal.

Night elves lost their home and got two xpacs worth of content. Forsaken lost their home and their entire roster of characters and don’t even feature much in the literal necromancy xpac.

Pretty much the only Forsaken who ever say that are later killed in questing by other Forsaken. It is not a widely held philosophy.

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have you seen this? its old but pretty dang good considering they used the warcraft engine, not the wow engine, but the old warcraft rts engine, to make it.


Again though, pretty much every hub they have ends up with everything in the vicinity blighted, and they were in the process of gleefully blighting nelf territory after their beloved banshee ordered genocide. Not to mention the fact that they consistently are seen enjoying themselves as they conduct horrific experiments on people.

I don’t feel bad for them losing their city, or sylvanas and nathanos. With all they have done the horde should have wiped them out themselves.

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They also hated the blood elves. They still accepted the void elves who are infused with one of the most chaotic energies in the whole cosmos. And also Anduin isn’t one to judge someone so easily. And since Azshara never had loyalties to N’zoth but had to act that way when he was alive, who knows what’s gonna happen in the future. We might see her and Tyrande teaming up at some point against the void lords putting aside their differences and hatred and perhaps a bond could happen. It’s very unlikely but that’s what makes it interesting

That EU thread is what WoW needs!, the work is done for Blizzard
 but then again this is Blizzard odds of them listening is slim to none

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 I could see this in the past. We had good relations with the Forsaken. But as times have changed through the xpacs
 continued use of the blight
 Gilneas blighting
 Sylv and Lor’theomar’s banter in SoO when he threatens her to not raise the fallen sin’dorei. It was a bit odd we didn’t see it, or maybe just I haven’t, any discussion of Lor’theomar’s opinion of the Sin’dorei dark rangers that were/are serving Sylv.

Times change is a good statement. But unless the Forsaken people get a better figure head with better policies, I could see the opinion of them diminished with the Blood Elves. Maybe Calia and Voss can accomplish this, but we won’t know for like 2 years since we will be in the Shadowlands.

It’s such a great way to streamline similar races though as opposed to having to create a new race with new racials and balancing said racials. They could even create and add new racial groups relevant to content being released.

There is so much potential here and it would be more incentive to play their content. Like complete this rep/questline and unlock new customizations, racial tags, racial animations and possibly a new heritage set and mount.

This would also cut redundancy and prevent leaving all too similar ARs like LF Draenei and HM Tauren left sitting in the dust.


A lot of this I think is just bad writing and follow through on blizzards part.

It seems that they intended the general populace of both to respect and favor one another. But they never show too much between the leaders to reinforce that.

Well clearly blizzard is trying to set up Calia
 We’ll see if they can pull it off from what she is now
 She needs a lot to be able to fit the role. Lillian Voss is a good character and feels more like she represents one of many archetypes of the Forsaken,that exemplifies the freewill aspect.

We’ll see
 I don’t have high hopes.

Thank you for showing me this ^^

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I remember watching that years ago.

I miss all the good Lore based machinimas. I’m sure there’s some around but it’s nothing like it used to be. I think one of the best “recent” ones was the one Nixxiom did on the Thassarian story. But i don’t think they ever continued it.

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They need to finish that guy’s story, his is one of the better ones.


Still needing those Farstrider, and Runic Tattoos, for our Blood, Void, and High Elves.

Not the greatest looking Farstrider tattoos, but I try.

Scars, farstrider and runic tattoos, for both.

Red eyes and dead skins for belfs.

Orange eyes for belfs. And purple damnit!

Natural hair colors and white and black for velf.

Pastel hair color for velf (would take this in lieu of natural tones if we get the white and black) , ear length for velf.

Better damn beards for belf!


I’d say:

Blood elves:

  • Get all of the velf hairstyles, but with braids instead of tentacles
  • All Void Elf hair colors. Honestly JUST the color isn’t enough to represent “corruption”
  • Hair accessories for the applicable hairstyles turned into a toggle option
  • Back with the body jewelry option
  • Red eyes and access to the Dark Ranger palid skin

Void Elves:

  • Get a toggle for tentacles. If you toggle them out, you’ll have braids instead
  • All Blood Elf hair colors
  • Ear length option
  • Void “wings” removed from the heritage armor and added as character customization, along with 2 new different designs


  • Full beard for men
  • Get blind eye options with blue eyes too
  • Makeup “removed” from the female faces that have it and made a separate option, applicable for every face
  • At least 3 different eyebrow lengths (no eyebrow /short /long)
  • Face/body paint
  • Tattoos
  • Scars
  • Feathery accessories (blue/red/purple)

I hadn’t even considered this! Good suggestion!


I suggested this a few days ago


Half of the royalties for you girl! :joy:

But hey, to me at least, the void wings just kind of feel odd to be attached to the gear. They look like a manifested power, or a product of void corruption. It makes more sense attached to the void customization instead.

Plus on another angle it would allow:

  • People that love the heritage chestpiece that is one of the rare recent skimpy items, use it without the wings
  • People that love the wings and would love them with another set of items