Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The Forsaken haven’t been completely innocent but also neither have the Night Elves.

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I don’t think anything the night elves did really warranted a genocide against them, and in comparison the inhabitants of Lordaeron made out far better. My sympathy for a predicament they brought on themselves is extremely limited.


One name that would deny that. Tyrande

Giving how she didn’t care about Azshara in 8.2 I doubt she would reject them if they would prove strong allies, after all they kind of need all the help they can get. And Naga also hate the horde just as much as the Night elves since Naga see the horde as nothing but barbaric blinded fools and would never join the horde even if they were invited. They would rather accept the night elves.

Kinda feels like the Sin’dorei should hate the Forsaken but here we are… BFFs.

Probably the other way around, since they knew the undead were overrunning Lordaeron and made no attempt to help.

Theres a few ways to look at that.

Yeah you could argue undead ravaged their lands so why don’t they hate the Forsaken…


The Forsaken didn’t have freewill then. It was still just Arthas and the Lich King.

Now they have Freewill and have been helping the Blood Elves, and they had their former Ranger general at the helm. The Belfs have lots of reason to trust the forsaken. especially after joining the Horde and being the only bastions on the EK’s for years. They’ve relied and helped one another immensely.

Time is a fluid thing. It doesn’t remain static. Their stories have evolved.


If it weren’t for the Forsaken, we’d be Scourge chow. We’d be pretty stupid to hate them.

So in other words… what you’re saying is,


That could actually be due to the nightwarrior thing. Also the alliance hates naga.

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Garrosh was done dirty. He knew what was up.

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Good look for her, when that rogue sneaks behind her and stabs her back during the ‘joining’ alliance negotiations.

You… Uh… Know that doesn’t look good for the Alliance?

Besides if memory serves blizzard was considering them for the Alliance before vanilla launched.



Alliance or void elf? I prefer it if we dispatched our foes… Efficiently.

Keel it! Keel that meme with… Uh… Lightning?

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Ok, I am jelly of your pic posting priveledges.


50 days of it! In General Discussion!