Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Why should it be let go that someone was using homophobic slurs?

Just because it’s your friend doesn’t mean it needs to be swept under the rug. Being complacent in the use of derogatory language isn’t a good look.


okay, this has actually been a helpful convo, as it outlines all the various mindsets and how best to provide customizations for belfs.

Where and when did that happen?

Do you know who that person is?

Snow is our friend.

It’s the only way I can rationalize your line of thinking right now. You can keep telling me to “move on” but until you do yourself, you’re just walking in circles. We can dance all night if you wanna Reno. :kissing_heart:

It did have a place being said here, because anyone who would use that phrase so blatantly, clearly has very little ability to understand how comments, (especially hateful ones) can effect people. The whole server had a conversation about how nasty it is for people to use those terms, and you popped in and said “Hey ******s!” Like, c’mon.

There’s a big difference between being heated, and stated facts, sorry you’ve confused the two.

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Then why do they continue to back up those comments now that time has passed?

Stop saying it’s a negative stereotype. Just argue for more of what you want or even argue against the jewelry without saying all that which is being taken how its being taken.

sorry lannisterian. /hugs

I already linked it to you, and you mysteriously vanished into thin air and then came back ten minutes later to tell everyone they should just “calm down”. Stop playing dumb. You don’t get to sweep it under the rug.

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Two people often experience the same event in completely different ways.

Right, said the guy crying over masculinity. Give me a break.

He’s already agreed to let it go.

You posted a quote from Snow.
No one here has said any slur. You’re only going on what Snow said happened you have no idea the circumstances.
Imagine…someone many months ago said something they regret and are sorry about. Who are you to judge them?

The sooner we’re back to this the better.


The heck did I walk in on?


I’ve got a live stream to catch in a hour and a half. Sorry!

No. No, it didn’t. What happens off the forums has no biz on the forums. I thought you were aware of this. I’ve already expressed regret for those comments a long time ago.

Yes, we all know you’re in a heated mood. That much is a fact, otherwise you wouldn’t have broken a privacy trust like this. Very immature of you to do.

A war. Duck for cover!

A negative-feedback loop with multiple points of reciprocity.

And maybe some explosions.

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sorry snowsong. this is my fault. i didnt specify female elfs. though i imagine some guys would like it too. and it was just a joke anyway.

i use to wear high heels all the time and became very adept at running in them without tripping/falling. i remember looking back at that and it seems funny how much effort i expended to be 3 inches taller. i’m short lol

So you’ve never said anything you regret and apologized for? Should you never be forgiven and have it always held over your head in the future? Are you so perfect?


It’s not your fault Hyper.